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The meaning of Catch

Catch – definition


Intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped).

Usage examples:

She threw the bottle into the air and caught it again

Capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape).

Usage examples:

We hadn't caught a single rabbit

(of an object) accidentally become entangled or trapped in something.

Usage examples:

A button caught in her hair

Reach in time and board (a train, bus, or aircraft).

Usage examples:

They caught the 12.15 from oxford

Engage (a person's interest or imagination).

Usage examples:

It was the business scheme that had caught his imagination

Strike (someone) on a part of the body.

Usage examples:

Ben caught him on the chin with an uppercut

Contract (an illness) through infection or contagion.

Usage examples:

He served in macedonia, where he caught malaria

Become ignited and start burning.

Usage examples:

The rafters have caught

An act of catching something, typically a ball.

Usage examples:

I saw myself fumbling easy catches and looking clumsy.

A game in which a ball is thrown back and forth between two or more players.

Usage examples:

I found the final rather involving, which given that rugby is in essence a game of catch taken extr…

A device for securing something such as a door, window, or box.

Usage examples:

The window catch was rusty

A hidden problem or disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation.

Usage examples:

There's a catch in it somewhere

An unevenness in a person's voice caused by emotion.

Usage examples:

There was a catch in anne's voice

A round, typically one with words arranged to produce a humorous effect.

Usage examples:

The catch, a particular form of round based on word-play, was especially popular in restoration eng…

Take hold of so as to seize or stop the motion of


To take or get hold of a moving object, or to hold and prevent someone from getting away

Usage examples:

[ i ] she tossed him the car keys and yelled, “catch!”, [ t ] he sneaked into the fairgrounds witho…

To surprise someone and cause difficulty for them

Usage examples:

A lot of taxpayers will be caught off guard by their new tax liability, the high-profile plan has c…

Catch translation into English

Catch: translate from English into Chinese

Translate catch into Chinese (Simplified)}
抓住, 捕捉, 捉, 捕获, 抓, 捕捞, 捕, 钩, 逮, 擒拿, 获, 捉拿, 接着, 擒, 感染, 捕拿, 觉察, 捉取

Catch: translate from English into Dutch

Translate catch into Dutch}
Vangst, Vangen, Halen, Pakken, Inhalen, Vatten, Opvangen, Buit, Greep, Haken, Grijpen, Valstrik, Betrappen, Aanwinst, Raken, Stokken, Goede partij, Blijven haken, Aangrijpen, Oplopen, Zich verbreiden, Aanbranden, Toebrengen, Vastraken, Treffen, Aanzetten, Lokmiddel, Aanfloepen, Aansteken, Toevriezen, Beginnen te bevriezen, Aanflitsen, Voordeel, Strijkvraag

Catch: translate from English into French

Translate catch into French}
Attraper, Capture, Attrape, Prendre, Prise, Capturer, Saisir, Attirer, Loquet, Pêcher, Surprendre, Arrêter, Coincer, Atteindre, Comprendre, Chasse, Captiver, Arrestation, Ressaisir, Piquer, Ne pas manquer, Mordre, Canon, Fasciner, Jeu de balle, Réussir à voir, Attacher à, Fermer, Interrompre, Faire tomber dans le piège

Catch: translate from English into German

Translate catch into German}
Fang, Fangen, Haken, Verschluss, Erwischen, Klinke, Nehmen, Holen, Auffangen, Erreichen, Fassen, Erhaschen, Falle, Erfassen, Bekommen, Schnappen, Kriegen, Greifen, Beute, Ertappen, Verschnaufen, Verstehen, Angeln, Packen, Partie, Haschen, Zug, Einklemmen, Fischzug, Brennen, Stocken, Angehen, Befestigung, Abpassen, Stellen, Sich etw holen, Sich klemmen, Wirbel, Bruchstück

Catch: translate from English into Hindi

Translate catch into Hindi}
पकड़, पकड़ना, शिकार, चाल, लगना, पकड़ने की क्रिया, धोखा, अर्गला, बंदी करना, सुनना, ग्रहण करना, कुचक्र, रोकना

Catch: translate from English into Italian

Translate catch into Italian}
Presa, Prendere, Catturare, Fermo, Raggiungere, Cogliere, Pesca, Afferrare, Gancio, Acchiappare, Attirare, Preda, Capire, Sorprendere, Agganciare, Acciuffare, Impigliarsi, Attrarre, Intrappolare, Impigliare, Inganno, Agguantare, Retata, Attecchire, Far presa, Parata, Affascinare, Fare in tempo, Gioco di parole

Catch: translate from English into Korean

Translate catch into Korean}
잡다, 잡기, 함정, 포획량, 걸리다, 받다, 잡힌 것, 얻고 싶은 것, 얻고 싶은 사람, 방아쇠, 막힘, 윤창, 붙들다, 쥐다, 맞다, 걸다, 보다, 불붙다, 발견하다, 엄습하다, 잡아타다, ...의 주의를 끌다, 이해하다, 벌 등을 받다, 임신시키다, 붙들려고 하다, 캐처 노릇하다, 발아하다, 사람을 속이는

Catch: translate from English into Russian

Translate catch into Russian}
Ловить, Поймать, Улов, Уловить, Догнать, Зацепиться, Добыча, Выгода, Защелка, Захват, Ловушка, Задвижка, Уловка, Хитрость, Схватывать, Стопор, Зацепить, Упор, Поимка, Схватить, Застать, Арретир, Шпингалет, Щеколда, Тормоз, Попасть, Расслышать, Подлавливать, Подковырка, Задерживать, Задевать, Заражаться, Перебивать, Загораться, Застигать, Прихлопнуть, Защемить, Поддевать, Провести, Поймать в ловушку, Ударить, Подхватывать болезнь, Успевать, Привлекать внимание, Прерывать, Покрываться льдом, Выгодное приобретение, Захватывающее приспособление, Запирающее приспособление, Стяжной болт, Приостановка

Catch: translate from English into Spanish

Translate catch into Spanish}
Captura, Coger, Atrapar, Tomar, Capturar, Captar, Pesca, Trampa, Pestillo, Presa, Pescar, Cogida, Agarrar, Prenderse, Recoger, Contagiarse, Prender, Sorprender, Pegar, Llegar, Engancharse, Asir, Adquirir, Parar, Oír, Comprender, Percibir, Quemarse, Encenderse, Canon, Comida de pesca, Engranar, Entrecoger, Frenar, Coger en una falta, Llegar a oír, Suspender, Merecerse, Rozar contra, Ludir, Adoptar

Word origin

Middle English (also in the sense ‘chase’): from Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French cachier, variant of Old French chacier, based on Latin captare ‘try to catch’, from capere ‘take’.

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