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Worder Dictionary

- English words of the day



Meanings of Cyan:


A primary subtractive color for light


A greenish-blue colour which is one of the primary subtractive colours, complementary to red.

Usage examples:

That of a primary colour will be a mixture of the two other primaries: the additive complement of r…



Meanings of Curve:


A line or outline which gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length.

Usage examples:

The parapet wall sweeps down in a bold curve

Form or cause to form a curve.

Usage examples:

Her mouth curved in a smile



Meanings of Emetic:


(of a substance) causing vomiting.

Usage examples:

This is followed by up to two quarts of warm salted water or strong licorice tea which in such high…

A medicine or other substance which causes vomiting.

Usage examples:

Napoleon had been treated for a long time with tartar emetics, and the day he died he had been give…

Meanings of Swim:


An act or period of swimming.

Usage examples:

We went for a swim in the river

Travel through water



Meanings of Whack:


A sharp or resounding blow.

Usage examples:

With a few whacks and some loud whistles, they drove the animals away

To give someone or something a hard, noisy hit

Usage examples:

He whacked his newspaper on the back of the chair as he talked., she gripped her racket with both h…

Meanings of Log out:


Exit a computer


The act of logging out of a computer system (= stopping being connected to it)

Usage examples:

There are files that keep track of all logins and logouts to the system., clients become unavailabl…
phrasal verb

Go through the procedures to conclude use of a computer, database, or system.

Usage examples:

Make sure you log off as soon as you've completed your transaction

Meanings of Name after:

phrasal verb

To give someone or something the same name as another person or thing

Usage examples:

Paul was named after his grandfather., she told us about his brother, apollo, born in 1969 and name…

Turn down


Meanings of Turn down:


A reduction in business activity in a particular area or in the economy in general

Usage examples:

A wave of telecoms mergers and acquisitions was triggered across europe after the dotcom turndown.
phrasal verb

Reject something offered or proposed.

Usage examples:

His novel was turned down by publisher after publisher

Take a downward direction

Meanings of My pleasure:


A polite way of replying to someone who has thanked you

Usage examples:

"it was so kind of you to give us a lift." "don't mention it - it was a pleasure."

Meanings of By-much:


Without asking for permission

Usage examples:

That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off …

Meanings of Round-about:



Usage examples:

We'll be at your house at round about nine o'clock, okay?

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