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All English idioms and phrases

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning which differs from the literal meanings of the individual words. Idioms are challenging for non-native speakers to learn because their meanings are not always obvious. For example, the expression break a leg means good luck.

Here you can find the full list of English idioms in Worder vocabulary.

Meanings of A bit much:


Somewhat excessive or unreasonable.

Usage examples:

His earnestness can be a bit much

Meanings of A good deal:


A large amount.

Usage examples:

I don't know a great deal about politics

Meanings of A great deal:


To a very great degree or extent


A large amount.

Usage examples:

I don't know a great deal about politics

Meanings of A hair’s breadth:


A very small distance or amount

Usage examples:

His finger was within a hair's breadth of touching the alarm., she came within a hair's breadth of …

Meanings of A man of his word:


Someone who keeps their promises

Usage examples:

You can trust him - he's a man of his word.

Meanings of A million and one:


Very many

Usage examples:

I can't talk right now - i have a hundred and one things to do this morning.

Meanings of A penny for your thoughts:


Used to ask someone what they are thinking about.

Usage examples:

I haven't heard anyone say that for years - a penny for your thoughts.

I would like to know what you are thinking

Usage examples:

You haven't said very much – a penny for your thoughts.

Meanings of A second bite at the cherry:


An attempt or opportunity to do something.

Usage examples:

The team had victory snatched from their grasp, and could well have had their last bite at the cherry

Another opportunity to do something

Usage examples:

He missed a medal in the 100 metres, but will get a second bite of the cherry in the 400 metres.

Meanings of A stitch in time saves nine:


If you sort out a problem immediately it may save a lot of extra work later.

Usage examples:

The lead officer said: ‘it's a case of a stitch in time saves nine.’

Said to mean that it is better to act or deal with problems immediately, because if you wait and deal with them later, things will get worse and the problems will take longer to deal with

Meanings of A-bed-of-roses:


If a situation is not all roses, there are unpleasant things to deal with as well as the pleasant ones

Usage examples:

Being in a relationship is not all roses, you know.

Meanings of A-bit-thick:


To praise someone too much

Usage examples:

She went on and on about how she admired his work - laid it on a bit thick, if you ask me.

Meanings of A-bite:


Some food

Usage examples:

You'll feel better once you've had a bite to eat.

Meanings of A-bolt-from-the-blue:


Something important or unusual that happens suddenly or unexpectedly

Usage examples:

The resignation of the chairman came like a bolt from the blue.

Meanings of A-breath-of-fresh-air:


An act or brief spell of breathing air that is outside or outdoors.

Usage examples:

Researchers found that 50 per cent of workers never leave the office for a breath of fresh air

Meanings of A-bugger:


Used to show that you are extremely annoyed or bored with an activity and that you will not continue doing it

Usage examples:

I'd been waiting for him for an hour and i thought, sod this for a lark - i'm going home!

Meanings of A-bundle:


To earn a lot of money

Usage examples:

They made a bundle selling their business.

Meanings of A-busy-bee:


To be moving about quickly doing many things

Meanings of A-devil:


An extremely difficult or serious type of something

Usage examples:

A devil of a mess/problem, we had the devil of a job/time trying to find this place!

Meanings of A-different:


To be the best or much better than other people at a particular activity

Usage examples:

When it comes to mathematics, he's in a different class from his peers., as a player, she's in a di…

Meanings of A-duck:


Criticisms of or warnings to a particular person that have no effect on that person

Usage examples:

I've told him that he's heading for trouble, but he doesn't listen - it's just water off a duck's b…

Meanings of A-firm-hand:


Strong control

Usage examples:

Reforming these young offenders will require a firm hand.

Meanings of A-good-deal-of:



Usage examples:

The new law met with a good deal of opposition at the local level., i should start by saying i have…

Meanings of A-great-one-for:


To enjoy or do something a lot

Usage examples:

He's a great one for getting other people to do his work for him!

Meanings of A-helping-hand:


To help someone

Usage examples:

These tax cuts will give industry a helping hand.

Meanings of A-joke:


To be able to laugh at jokes or tricks about you

Usage examples:

Don't be mad - can't you take a joke?

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