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The meaning of Taunt


Taunt – definition


A remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.

Usage examples:

Pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes

Provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.

Usage examples:

Pupils began taunting her about her weight

Harass with persistent criticism or carping

Taunt translation into English

Taunt: translate from English into Chinese

Translate taunt into Chinese (Simplified)}
嘲讽, 嘲弄, 嘲笑, 诮, 嘲, 谯, 讽刺话

Taunt: translate from English into Dutch

Translate taunt into Dutch}
Uitdagen, Beschimpen, Hoon, Honen, Schimpen, Schimp, Smaad, Aanfluiting, Spotwoord

Taunt: translate from English into French

Translate taunt into French}
Raillerie, Railler, Sarcasme, Haut, Tourner en ridicule, Très haut, Persiller

Taunt: translate from English into German

Translate taunt into German}
Spott, Verspotten, Hohn, Höhnische bemerkung, Spöttelei

Taunt: translate from English into Hindi

Translate taunt into Hindi}
उपहास, ताना, मज़ाक, उपहास करना, मज़ाक करना, हंसी उड़ाना, बोल, हंसी

Taunt: translate from English into Italian

Translate taunt into Italian}
Scherno, Insulto, Schernire, Rimprovero, Rinfacciare

Taunt: translate from English into Korean

Translate taunt into Korean}
조롱, 의장을 갖추고, 높고 잘 정비된, 조롱하다

Taunt: translate from English into Russian

Translate taunt into Russian}
Дразнить, Насмешка, Насмехаться, Шпилька, Язвительное замечание, Очень высокий, Говорить колкости, Предмет насмешек

Taunt: translate from English into Spanish

Translate taunt into Spanish}
Pulla, Mofarse, Mofa, Insultar, Sarcasmo, Dicterio, Burlar, Reprochar con insultos, Dicho sarcástico

Word origin

early 16th century: from French tant pour tant ‘like for like, tit for tat’, from tant ‘so much’, from Latin tantum, neuter of tantus . An early use of the verb was ‘exchange banter’.

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