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The meaning of Gibe


Gibe – definition


Variant spelling of jibe1 (noun).

Usage examples:

She proved impervious to his sarcastic gibes

Variant spelling of jibe1 (verb).

Usage examples:

Some cynics in the media might gibe

An insulting or mocking remark; a taunt.

Usage examples:

A jibe at his old rivals

Make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer.

Usage examples:

Some cynics in the media might jibe

Gibe translation into English

Gibe: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gibe into Chinese (Simplified)}
吉贝, 嘲弄, 寻开心, 诮

Gibe: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gibe into Dutch}
Gieren, Schimpen, Schimpscheut, Hatelijkheid, Honen, Spotten, Bespotten, Spotternij

Gibe: translate from English into French

Translate gibe into French}
Moquerie, Quolibet, Se moquer, Se moquer de, Dérision, Virer

Gibe: translate from English into German

Translate gibe into German}
Stichelei, Spotten, Spott, Verhöhnung, Seitenhieb, Spöttelei, Sticheln

Gibe: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gibe into Hindi}
ताना मारा, हंसी, उपहास, हंसी उड़ाना, ताना मारना, चिढ़ाना, हंसी करना, ठष्ठा, ठट्ठा, मज़ाक, ताना, बोली-ठोली, उपहास करना, कटाक्ष, छींटा

Gibe: translate from English into Italian

Translate gibe into Italian}
Beffa, Frecciata, Stoccata, Beffarsi, Beffare, Schernire

Gibe: translate from English into Korean

Translate gibe into Korean}

Gibe: translate from English into Russian

Translate gibe into Russian}
Насмешка, Колкость, Насмехаться

Gibe: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gibe into Spanish}
Burla, Hablar atropelladamente, Burlarse de, Burlar de uno

Word origin

mid 16th century (as a verb): perhaps from Old French giber ‘handle roughly’ (in modern dialect ‘kick’); compare with jib2.

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