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The meaning of Belt

Belt – definition


A strip of leather or other material worn, typically round the waist, to support or hold in clothes or to carry weapons.

Usage examples:

He tightened his leather belt an extra notch

A continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another.

Usage examples:

A great wheel driven by a leather belt

A strip or encircling area that is different in nature or composition from its surroundings.

Usage examples:

The asteroid belt

Fasten with a belt.

Usage examples:

She belted her raincoat firmly

Hit (someone or something) hard.

Usage examples:

She belted him over the head with her racquet

Gulp (a drink) quickly.

Usage examples:

Cocktails should be sipped and savoured, not belted down

A strip of leather or other material worn around the waist

Usage examples:

A black leather belt, the corn belt (= area known for growing corn), he belted the ball out of the …

Belt translation into English

Belt: translate from English into Chinese

Translate belt into Chinese (Simplified)}
腰带, 带, 带子, 縚

Belt: translate from English into Dutch

Translate belt into Dutch}
Riem, Gordel, Ceintuur, Drijfriem, Ring, Koppel, Koppelriem, Rand

Belt: translate from English into French

Translate belt into French}
Ceinture, Courroie, Zone, Gaine, Région, Donner une raclée, Administrer une correction

Belt: translate from English into German

Translate belt into German}
Gürtel, Band, Riemen, Gurt, Koppel, Rasen, Hauen, Schlagen, Umgehungsstraße, Schlag, Knallen, Den gürtel zumachen, Versohlen, Vertrimmen

Belt: translate from English into Hindi

Translate belt into Hindi}
बेल्ट, क्षेत्र, पेटी, पट्टा, मेखला, कमरबन्द, इलाक़ा, इलाका

Belt: translate from English into Italian

Translate belt into Italian}
Cintura, Cinghia, Nastro, Cinta, Zona, Cintola, Distretto, Picchiare, Cingere con una cinghia, Percuotere

Belt: translate from English into Korean

Translate belt into Korean}
벨트, 띠, 지대, 혁대, 치다, 순환 도로, 줄, 줄무늬, 해협, 구타, 띠로 붙들어 매다, 장갑대, 자동차의 질주, 띠를 매다, 줄무늬를 치다, 힘차게 노래하다, 큰소리로 노래하다, 둘러싸다, 질주하다

Belt: translate from English into Russian

Translate belt into Russian}
Пояс, Ремень, Приводной ремень, Зона, Бандаж, Облом, Портупея, Лента конвейера, Гнать, Опоясывать, Броневой пояс, Патронная лента, Пороть ремнем, Подпоясывать, Узкий пролив

Belt: translate from English into Spanish

Translate belt into Spanish}
Cinturón, Correa, Cinto, Faja, Zona, Ceñir, Bandolera, Golpe, Pegar, Pegar con una correa, Rodear por

Word origin

Old English, of Germanic origin, from Latin balteus ‘girdle’.

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