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The meaning of Stalk

Stalk – definition


The main stem of a herbaceous plant.

Usage examples:

He chewed a stalk of grass

Pursue or approach stealthily.

Usage examples:

A cat stalking a bird

Stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner.

Usage examples:

Without another word she turned and stalked out

Harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention.

Usage examples:

For five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her

A stealthy pursuit of someone or something.

Usage examples:

This time the stalk would be on foot

A stiff, striding gait.

Usage examples:

Mona let out this little noise of irritation and followed, her walk more of a stalk than a stride.

Any stem on a plant, esp. the main stem

Usage examples:

Cynthia says those flowers have pretty tall stalks., he spent the weekend stalking deer to photogra…

Stalk translation into English

Stalk: translate from English into Chinese

Translate stalk into Chinese (Simplified)}
茎, 秆, 梗, 悄悄走近

Stalk: translate from English into Dutch

Translate stalk into Dutch}
Stengel, Besluipen, Schrijden, Afristen

Stalk: translate from English into French

Translate stalk into French}
Traquer, Tige, Pédoncule, Queue, Rafle, Trognon, Tuyau, Rôder, Régner, Marcher d'un air arrogant

Stalk: translate from English into German

Translate stalk into German}
Stengel, Stiel, Pirschen, Stängel, Halm, Strunk, Pirsch, Schaft, Stelzen, Beschleichen, Stolzieren, Staksen, Ranke, Kamm, Schreiten, Staken, Sich anschleichen

Stalk: translate from English into Hindi

Translate stalk into Hindi}
पीछा करना, डंठल, डांठ, आधार, लुका छिपा कर शिकार, शान से अकड़क चलना, डाली, अकड़ की चाल

Stalk: translate from English into Italian

Translate stalk into Italian}
Gambo, Stelo, Inseguire, Andare altezzoso, Andare di soppiatto, Andatura maestosa

Stalk: translate from English into Korean

Translate stalk into Korean}
줄기, 동, 종, 종대, 가느다란 버팀대, 사냥감에 몰래 다가가기, 손을 크게 저으며 걷기, 손을 크게 당당히 걷기, 몰래 접근하다, 천천히 활보하다, 만연하다

Stalk: translate from English into Russian

Translate stalk into Russian}
Стебель, Черенок, Стебелек, Ножка, Ствол, Подкрадывание, Шествовать, Фабричная труба, Выступать, Величавая поступь, Гордая поступь, Гордо выступать, Подкрадываться, Красться, Идти крадучись

Stalk: translate from English into Spanish

Translate stalk into Spanish}
Acechar, Tallo, Troncho, Pie, Pezón, Andar con paso majestuoso, Seguir los pasos a, Cazar al acecho

Word origin

late Old English -stealcian (in bistealcian ‘walk cautiously or stealthily’), of Germanic origin; related to steal.

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