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The meaning of Roar


Roar – definition


A full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal.

Usage examples:

She waited for the lion's roar

(of a lion or other large wild animal) utter a full, deep, prolonged cry.

Usage examples:

We heard a lion roar

(especially of a vehicle) move at high speed making a loud prolonged sound.

Usage examples:

A car roared past

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To make a long, loud, deep sound

Usage examples:

Lions were roaring in their cages., the crowd roared with laughter., his truck roared down the stee…

Roar translation into English

Roar: translate from English into Chinese

Translate roar into Chinese (Simplified)}
怒吼, 吼, 咆哮, 轰鸣, 咆, 哮, 啸, 嗥, 喊声, 号叫, 喊叫, 号, 努号

Roar: translate from English into Dutch

Translate roar into Dutch}
Brullen, Gebrul, Gebulder, Geraas, Bulderen, Geronk, Geloei, Razen, Loeien, Ronken, Geschreeuw, Schreeuwen, Geschater, Daveren, Uitbrullen, Weergalmen

Roar: translate from English into French

Translate roar into French}
Rugir, Hurler, Grondement, Mugir, Gronder, Vrombissement, Mugissement, Ronflement, Vrombir, Ronfler, Détonation, Tapage, Vociférer, Brailler, Gros rire, Beugler, Pousser des grands cris

Roar: translate from English into German

Translate roar into German}
Brüllen, Gebrüll, Brausen, Getöse, Dröhnen, Rauschen, Heulen, Röhren, Toben, Donnern, Tosen, Sausen, Bullern, Knattern, Prasseln, Erdröhnen, Aufheulen lassen

Roar: translate from English into Hindi

Translate roar into Hindi}
गर्जन, गरज, गरजना, जंगली पशु की गरज, चिल्लाहट, गाज, गर्जन करना, चीख़, दहाड, चीख

Roar: translate from English into Italian

Translate roar into Italian}
Ruggito, Ruggire, Urlare, Mugghiare, Scroscio, Muggito, Scrosciare, Rimbombo, Rumoreggiare, Mugghio, Muggire

Roar: translate from English into Korean

Translate roar into Korean}
노호, 울리다, 으르렁거리는 소리, 으르렁거리다, 사자 따위가 으르렁거리다, 고함치다, 장소가 울리다, 큰소리로 말하다, ...에게 고함질러 되게 하다, ...에게 고함질러 어떤 상태로 되게 하다

Roar: translate from English into Russian

Translate roar into Russian}
Рев, Реветь, Рык, Рычать, Шум, Хохот, Раскат, Орать, Проорать, Взреветь, Рыкать, Вопить, Прокричать, Храпеть

Roar: translate from English into Spanish

Translate roar into Spanish}
Rugido, Rugir, Estruendo, Bramido, Bramar, Retumbar, Crepitación, Hacer estruendo

Word origin

Old English rārian (verb), imitative of a deep prolonged cry, of West Germanic origin; related to German röhren . The noun dates from late Middle English.

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