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The meaning of Point

Point – definition


The tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object.

Usage examples:

The point of his dagger

A dot or other punctuation mark, in particular a full stop.

Usage examples:

Footnote numbering in the text should be placed after the full point at the end of a sentence.

A particular spot, place, or position in an area or on a map, object, or surface.

Usage examples:

Turn left at the point where you see a sign to appleford

A single item or detail in an extended discussion, list, or text.

Usage examples:

The main points of the edinburgh agreement

(in sports and games) a mark or unit of scoring awarded for success or performance.

Usage examples:

He kicked a penalty goal to put bangor eight points ahead

Each of thirty-two directions marked at equal distances round a compass.

Usage examples:

Arrayed around it like points on the compass rose were sections of the house.

A narrow piece of land jutting out into the sea.

Usage examples:

The boat came round the point

A junction of two railway lines, with a pair of linked tapering rails that can be moved laterally to allow a train to pass from one line to the other.

Usage examples:

The train gave a lurch as it passed over the points

A unit of measurement for type sizes and spacing (in the uk and us 0.351 mm, in europe 0.376 mm).

Usage examples:

Because monitors display at different resolutions, 12-point type on one screen could approximate 14…

A socket in a wall for connecting a device to an electrical supply or communications network.

Usage examples:

A power point

A fielding position on the off side near the batter.

Usage examples:

You will usually find the best fielder in the team fielding at point.

A fielding position on the off side near the batsman.


(in a motor vehicle) each of a set of electrical contacts in the distributor.


A small leading party of an advanced guard of troops.


The extremities of an animal, typically a horse or cat, such as the face, paws, and tail of a siamese cat.

Usage examples:

A pure white dog with black points

A spot to which a straight run is made.


A tagged piece of ribbon or cord used for lacing a garment or attaching a hose to a doublet.


A short piece of cord at the lower edge of a sail for tying up a reef.


The action or position of a dog in pointing.

Usage examples:

A bird dog on point

An important phrase or subject, especially in a contrapuntal composition.


Direct someone's attention towards something by extending one's finger or something held in one's hand.

Usage examples:

The lads were nudging each other and pointing at me

Give force or emphasis to (words or actions).

Usage examples:

He wouldn't miss the opportunity to point a moral

Extend (the toes or feet) in line with the leg by tensing the foot and ankle in such a way as to form a point.

Usage examples:

Reach up with your arms and point your toes

Fill the joints of (brickwork or masonry) with smoothly finished mortar.

Usage examples:

The bricks have been poorly pointed

Give a sharp, tapered point to.

Usage examples:

He twisted and pointed his moustache

Insert points in (written text of semitic languages).

Point translation into English

Point: translate from English into Chinese

Translate point into Chinese (Simplified)}
观点, 点, 指出, 指, 分, 处, 问题, 尖, 点子, 讲, 指示, 表明, 指明, 提示, 点明, 指引, 尖兵, 指画, 详, 意向, 详情

Point: translate from English into Dutch

Translate point into Dutch}
Punt, Wijzen, Punten, Puntje, Stip, Richten, Piek, Spits, Stellen, Mikken, Decimaalteken, Tip, Onderstrepen, Streek, Scherpen, Neus, Spitsen, Kompasstreek, Aanpunten, Leesteken, Interpuncteren, De nadruk leggen op, Doen uitkomen, Top

Point: translate from English into French

Translate point into French}
Indiquer, Point, Pointer, Virgule, Pointe, Moment, Montrer, Endroit, Étape, But, Extrémité, Degré, Cap, Diriger, Fin, Orienter, Promontoire, Braquer, Astuce, Ponctuer, Indiquer du doigt, Jointoyer, Aiguiser, Marquer de point, Pointiller, Naviguer, Période, Affûter, Tailler, Avis

Point: translate from English into German

Translate point into German}
Punkt, Zeigen, Weisen, Stelle, Hinweisen, Spitze, Sinn, Ziel, Zweck, Pointe, Liegen, Anschluss, Grad, Richten, Stehen, Ecke, Ende, Zipfel, Spitzen, Hindeuten, Landspitze, Zacken, Zacke, Strich, Auge, Steckdose, Anspitzen, Unterbrecherkontakte, Vorstehen, Ausfugen, Gerichtet sein, Vokalzeichen, Verfugen, Interpunktieren, Vokalisieren, Anzeigen

Point: translate from English into Hindi

Translate point into Hindi}
बिंदु, स्थल, बिन्दु, अंक, संकेत, स्थिति, क्षण, तर्क, अर्थ, बिंद, यंत्र की नोक, नोकदार बनाना, निशाना लगाना, संकेत करना, दिखाना, सीमेंट से भरना, अवसर, विराम-चिह्न

Point: translate from English into Italian

Translate point into Italian}
Punto, Punta, Puntare, Indicare, Virgola, Senso, Questione, Scopo, Argomento, Motivo, Nocciolo, Estremità, Cuspide, Additare, Appuntire, Punteggiare, Qualità

Point: translate from English into Korean

Translate point into Korean}
가리키다, 포인트, 점, 암시, 득점, 선단, 한 곳, 촉, 바늘, 사지, 향하고 있다, 방위, 돌출부, 단위, 뾰족한 데, 끄트머리, 향하게 하다, 특징, 목적, 효과, 도, 주의, 데, 정신적인 점, 사냥개가 가리키는 포획물의 방향 지시, 포획물의 방향 지시, 학과 제도의 단위, 문제되는 점, 이야기 따위의 급소, 경구 따위의 급소, 승부의 득점, 온도의 도, 말 따위의 사지, 개 따위의 사지, 돼지 따위의 사지, 뾰족하게 하다, ...에 구두점을 찍다, 강조하다, 충고 따위를 강조하다, 교훈 따위를 강조하다, 남의 주의를 돌리게 하다, 주의를 돌리게 하다, 사냥개가 사냥감 쪽을 가리키다, 이은 틈에 회반죽을 바르다, 이은 틈에 시멘트를 바르다, 벽돌 쌓을 때 따위의 이은 틈에 회반죽을 바르다, 벽돌 쌓을 때 따위의 이은 틈에 시멘트를 바르다, 어떤 방향으로 향하고 있다, 멈추어 서서 사냥감의 위치를 가리키다, 사냥개가 멈추어 서서 사냥감의 위치를 가리키다, 곪아서 터질려고 하다, 농양 따위가 곪아서 터질려고 하다

Point: translate from English into Russian

Translate point into Russian}
Точка, Указывать, Балл, Пункт, Момент, Очко, Дело, Смысл, Место, Вопрос, Суть, Главное, Цель, Острие, Наконечник, Соль, Особенность, Кончик, Игла, Мыс, Станция, Преимущество, Стрелка, Говорить, Заострить, Направлять, Достоинство, Наводить, Свидетельствовать, Стрелочный перевод, Румб, Острый конец, Стойка, Экстерьер, Резец, Шнурок с наконечником, Тыльный дозор, Быть направленным, Точить, Головной дозор, Заточить, Чинить, Оживлять, Делать стойку, Деление шкалы, Редька, Выступающая морская коса, Вершина горы, Гравировальная игла, Игла гравера, Перо или остряк, Ответвление оленьего рога, Вид кружева, Показывать пальцем, Прицеливаться, Целиться, Наставить, Наточить, Придавать остроту, Острить, Расшивать швы, Ставить знаки препинания, Статья

Point: translate from English into Spanish

Translate point into Spanish}
Punto, Apuntar, Momento, Punta, Coma, Lugar, Cuestión, Aspecto, Posición, Parte, Grado, Tanto, Interés, Cabo, Entero, Chiste, Significado, Dirigir, Muestra, Contacto, Señalar con el dedo, Cualidad, Característica principal, Cuerna, Afilar, Encarar, Mampostear, Poner los puntos, Mostrar la caza, Ataque

Word origin

Middle English: the noun partly from Old French point, from Latin punctum ‘something that is pricked’, giving rise to the senses ‘unit, mark, point in space or time’; partly from Old French p

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