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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Flow

Flow – definition


(of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or stream.

Usage examples:

From here the river flows north

Go from one place to another in a steady stream, typically in large numbers.

Usage examples:

People flowed into the huge courtyard

(of a solid) undergo a permanent change of shape under stress, without melting.


The action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream.

Usage examples:

The flow of water into the pond

A watery swamp; a morass.


The gradual permanent deformation of a solid under stress, without melting.

Usage examples:

Analysis of seismic waves show that the material that makes up the mantle behaves as a plastic - a …

(esp. of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, esp. continuously and easily

Usage examples:

Air flows over an aircraft’s wing faster than it flows under it., lava from the volcano was flowing…

If money, goods, etc. flow, they move from one company, organization, or place to another in large amounts

Usage examples:

Capital must flow freely around the world in order to ensure international prosperity., flow in/out…

Flow translation into English

Flow: translate from English into Chinese

Translate flow into Chinese (Simplified)}
流动, 流, 流量, 喷, 泛滥, 洏, 潺, 泝

Flow: translate from English into Dutch

Translate flow into Dutch}
Stromen, Stroom, Vloeien, Lopen, Vloed, Vlieten, Overvloeien, Golven, Toevloed, Opkomen, Golving, Overstrooming

Flow: translate from English into French

Translate flow into French}
Couler, Écoulement, Flux, Circulation, Courant, Passer, Affluer, Déroulement, Jaillir, Se répandre, Se dérouler, Flotter, Inonder, Fleuve, Monter, Production, Submerger, Se jeter, Inondation, Ondoyer, Règles, S'écouler

Flow: translate from English into German

Translate flow into German}
Fließen, Strömen, Strömung, Fluss, Münden, Wallen, Steigen, Flüssig sein, Hereinkommen

Flow: translate from English into Hindi

Translate flow into Hindi}
बहे, प्रवाह, बहाव, बहना, अधिकता, हिलना, परिणाम होना, बाढ़ में होना, बहाना, परिणाम निकालना

Flow: translate from English into Italian

Translate flow into Italian}
Fluire, Flusso, Portata, Scorrere, Defluire, Circolare, Affluire, Confluire, Corrente, Afflusso, Sgorgare, Sfociare, Colata, Movimento, Corso, Affluenza, Riversare, Scaricare, Ricadere, Incanalare

Flow: translate from English into Korean

Translate flow into Korean}
흐름, 흐르다, 범람, 유출량, 공급량, 밀물, 흐르듯 처진 선, 넘쳐 흐르다, 발하다, 통하다, 흘리다, 콸콸 샘솟듯함, 밀려들어오다, 순환하다, 줄지어 나아가다, 범람시키다

Flow: translate from English into Russian

Translate flow into Russian}
Поток, Течь, Протекать, Течение, Литься, Струиться, Растекаться, Проистекать, Притекать, Происходить, Прилив, Хлынуть, Ниспадать, Наплыв, Плавность, Струя, Изобиловать, Подтекать, Изобилие, Дебит воды, Выжимка, Выпрессовка, Менструация, Бить струей, Разразиться потоком, Выбрасывать

Flow: translate from English into Spanish

Translate flow into Spanish}
Caudal, Flujo, Fluir, Corriente, Correr, Manar, Afluir, Afluencia, Chorro, Ondear

Word origin

Old English flōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vloeien, also to flood.

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