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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Abated

Abated – definition


(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.

Usage examples:

The storm suddenly abated

Past simple and past participle of abate

Usage examples:

The storm/wind/rain has started to abate., the fighting in the area shows no sign of abating.

Abated translation into English

Abated: translate from English into Chinese

Translate abated into Chinese (Simplified)}
减弱, 杀, 缓和, 贬, 废除

Abated: translate from English into Dutch

Translate abated into Dutch}
Afgenomen, Verminderen, Afnemen, Bedaren, Verzwakken, Vernietigen, Uit de weg ruimen, Ongeldig worden, Afschaffen, Bekoelen, Lanigen, Wegnemen, Verwijderen, Gaan liggen, Verzachten, Verlagen

Abated: translate from English into French

Translate abated into French}
Atténué, Diminuer, Se calmer, Baisser, S'apaiser

Abated: translate from English into German

Translate abated into German}
Nachgelassen, Verringern, Nachlassen, Abklingen, Vermindern, Abflauen, Abebben, Zurückgehen, Weichen, Mäßigen, Sich beruhigen, Sich legen, Sich mildern

Abated: translate from English into Hindi

Translate abated into Hindi}
Abated, कम करना, रोक-थाम करना

Abated: translate from English into Italian

Translate abated into Italian}
Diminuito, Ridurre, Diminuire, Calmarsi, Scemare, Mitigare, Calmare, Abbassare, Cessare, Menomare, Annullare, Demolire

Abated: translate from English into Korean

Translate abated into Korean}
감소, 감소시키다, 배제하다, 중지하다

Abated: translate from English into Russian

Translate abated into Russian}
Уменьшился, Ослабевший, Сниженный, Ослабленный

Abated: translate from English into Spanish

Translate abated into Spanish}
Disminuido, Disminuir, Suprimir, Abolir, Menguar, Bajar, Calmarse, Descontar, Acabar con, Reducir algo, Rebajar, Suavizar, Debilitar, Moderar, Aflojarse, Suspender, Mermar, Moderarse, Amainarse, Decrecer

Word origin

Middle English (in the legal sense): from Old French abatre ‘to fell’, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to, at’) + batre ‘to beat’ (from Latin battere, battuere ‘to beat’).

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