All English words - page 707
Meanings of Brecciated:
verbCause (rock) to break down into angular fragments.
Usage examples:
Many deep-water limestones have been brecciated and then recemented
Meanings of Brecciating:
verbCause (rock) to break down into angular fragments.
Usage examples:
Many deep-water limestones have been brecciated and then recemented
Meanings of Brecciation:
nounThe process of breaking down rock into angular fragments.
Usage examples:
Hydraulic fracturing gave rise to brecciation of the banded rocks
Meanings of Brechtian:
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of the german playwright, producer, and poet bertolt brecht or his work.
Usage examples:
A masterpiece of brechtian alienation
bredMeanings of Bred:
adjectivePast and past participle of breed.
verb(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
Usage examples:
Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed
Meanings of Breech:
nounThe part of a cannon behind the bore.
Usage examples:
The british reloaded their weapons, filling the breech with powder and using their rods to push in …
adjectiveRelating to or denoting presentation of a fetus in which the buttocks, rump, or legs are nearest the cervix and emerge first at birth.
Usage examples:
Breech presentation occurs in up to 3 per cent of pregnancies at term
verbDress (a boy) in breeches after he had been in petticoats since birth.
Usage examples:
In those days it wasn't customary to breech a boy until he was about four
Meanings of Breechblock:
nounA metal block which closes the aperture at the back part of a rifle or gun barrel.
Usage examples:
In addition to new breechblocks and hammers, the older extractor was replaced with a newer design.
Meanings of Breeched:
verbDress (a boy) in breeches after he had been in petticoats since birth.
Usage examples:
In those days it wasn't customary to breech a boy until he was about four
nounThe part of a cannon behind the bore.
Usage examples:
The british reloaded their weapons, filling the breech with powder and using their rods to push in …
adjectiveRelating to or denoting presentation of a fetus in which the buttocks, rump, or legs are nearest the cervix and emerge first at birth.
Usage examples:
Breech presentation occurs in up to 3 per cent of pregnancies at term
Meanings of Breeches:
verbThe part of a cannon behind the bore.
plural nounShort trousers fastened just below the knee, now chiefly worn for riding or as part of ceremonial dress.
Usage examples:
A pair of buckskin breeches
Meanings of Breeching:
nounA strong leather strap passing round the hindquarters of a horse harnessed to a vehicle and enabling the horse to push backwards.
Usage examples:
A cart has no brakes, so the horse is fitted with breechings around the hind legs to allow him to s…
verbDress (a boy) in breeches after he had been in petticoats since birth.
Usage examples:
In those days it wasn't customary to breech a boy until he was about four
briːdMeanings of Breed:
verb(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
Usage examples:
Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed
nounA stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.
Usage examples:
The big continental breeds are eagerly being imported by british farmers
Meanings of Breeder:
nounA person who breeds animals or plants.
Usage examples:
A dog breeder
Meanings of Breeders:
nounA person who breeds animals or plants.
Usage examples:
A dog breeder
Meanings of Breeding:
nounThe mating and production of offspring by animals.
Usage examples:
The flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start
verb(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
Usage examples:
Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed
Meanings of Breeding-ground:
nounA place or condition that produces or causes a lot of something, esp. something bad
Usage examples:
Poverty is a breeding ground for crime.
Meanings of Breeds:
verb(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
Usage examples:
Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed
nounA stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.
Usage examples:
The big continental breeds are eagerly being imported by british farmers
Meanings of Breenge:
nounA violent or clumsy rush, a sudden violent movement.
verbTo move with clumsy violence, to rush noisily or impetuously. usually with adverb or adverbial phrase.
Meanings of Breeze:
nounA gentle wind.
Usage examples:
Tantalizing cooking smells wafted on the evening breeze
verbCome or go in a casual or light-hearted manner.
Usage examples:
Roger breezed into her office
Meanings of Breeze in:
collocationTo walk into a place quickly and confidently, without worry or embarrassment
Usage examples:
She just breezed in as if she'd only been away a day instead of a year., the boss would breeze in o…
Meanings of Breezed:
verbCome or go in a casual or light-hearted manner.
Usage examples:
Roger breezed into her office
nounA gentle wind.
Usage examples:
Tantalizing cooking smells wafted on the evening breeze
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