Worder Dictionary

Breeding - English meaning

Breeding – definitions in English dictionary


The mating and production of offspring by animals.

Usage examples:

The flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start

The good manners regarded as characteristic of the aristocracy and conferred by heredity.

Usage examples:

That's the kind of modesty you get from good breeding

(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.

Usage examples:

Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed

Breeding translation into English

Breeding: translate from English into Chinese

Translate breeding into Chinese (Simplified)}
配种, 选育, 教养, 孵化, 选种, 孳

Breeding: translate from English into Dutch

Translate breeding into Dutch}
Fokken, Teelt, Opvoeding, Beschaving, Opleiding

Breeding: translate from English into French

Translate breeding into French}
Reproduction, Élevage, Procréation, Savoir-vivre

Breeding: translate from English into German

Translate breeding into German}
Zucht, Züchtung, Fortpflanzung, Vermehrung, Erziehung, Lebensart

Breeding: translate from English into Hindi

Translate breeding into Hindi}
प्रजनन, पालन, नस्ल, उगाना, जाति, अभिजनन, वंशवृद्धि, वंश-सुधार

Breeding: translate from English into Italian

Translate breeding into Italian}
Allevamento, Riproduzione, Educazione, Procreazione

Breeding: translate from English into Korean

Translate breeding into Korean}
번식, 증식, 가계, 가정교육, 증식작용

Breeding: translate from English into Russian

Translate breeding into Russian}
Разведение, Размножение, Воспитание, Выведение, Воспитанность, Хорошие манеры

Breeding: translate from English into Spanish

Translate breeding into Spanish}
Cría, Crianza, Clase, Engendramiento

Word origin

Old English brēdan ‘produce (offspring), bear (a child)’, of Germanic origin; related to German brüten, also to brood.

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