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Meanings of Aconitia:



Meanings of Aconitic:


Of or relating to aconite. chiefly in "aconitic acid" noun chemistry a crystalline tricarboxylic acid existing in monkshood, larkspur, and other plants, and also obtained by heating citric acid.

Meanings of Aconitine:


A poisonous alkaloid obtained from monkshood and related plants.

Usage examples:

These herbs contain highly toxic alkaloids, including aconitine, which activate sodium channels and…

Meanings of Aconitum:


A preparation or extract of the root of an aconite (genus aconitum), especially a. napellus, used as a drug (now mainly in alternative forms of medicine) or as a poison.

Meanings of Aconitums:


A preparation or extract of the root of an aconite (genus aconitum), especially a. napellus, used as a drug (now mainly in alternative forms of medicine) or as a poison.

Meanings of Acorn:


The fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.

Usage examples:

Collect interesting bits of natural objects, such as bark, leaves, conkers and acorns to label and …

Meanings of Acorned:


Provided or decorated with acorns; bearing acorns. in early use chiefly heraldry.

Meanings of Acorns:


The fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.

Usage examples:

Collect interesting bits of natural objects, such as bark, leaves, conkers and acorns to label and …

Meanings of Acorus:


Originally: the plant sweet flag, acorus calamus. in later use: any plant of the genus acorus (family acoraceae), the members of which are rushlike flowering plants with inconspicuous flowers, native chiefly to wetlands in europe and asia. also (in form acorus): the genus itself.

Meanings of Acosmic:


Not of the universe or cosmos; of, relating to, or characterized by acosmism.

Meanings of Acosmism:


The doctrine that the universe does not exist, or that there is no universe distinct from god.

Meanings of Acosmist:


A person who believes in or advocates acosmism.

Meanings of Acotyledon:


A plant with no distinct seed leaves, especially a fern or moss.

Usage examples:

One of these determinables is number of cotyledons under which fall the determinates acotyledon, mo…

Meanings of Acouchi:


A large forest rodent resembling an agouti, found in the amazon basin.

Usage examples:

The dental formula of agoutis and acouchis is 1 / 1, 0 / 0, 1 / 1, 3/3 = 20.

Meanings of Acoumeter:


Any of various devices or instruments used to test or measure the sense of hearing.

Meanings of Acoumetry:


The testing or measurement of the sense of hearing; audiology; audiometry.

Meanings of Acouometer:


Any of various devices or instruments used to test or measure the sense of hearing.

Meanings of Acousma:


In pythagoreanism: any one of a collection of maxims, precepts, or propositions, often cryptic in nature, accepted on authority without supporting justification or proof.

Meanings of Acousmas:


In pythagoreanism: any one of a collection of maxims, precepts, or propositions, often cryptic in nature, accepted on authority without supporting justification or proof.

Meanings of Acousmatic:


A member of a group of disciples of pythagoras who unquestioningly followed his doctrines and precepts rather than studying his scientific proofs and demonstrations. opposed to "mathematic", mathematician.


Of, relating to, or characteristic of this group. also in extended use: thoughtless, unthinking.

Meanings of Acoustic:


Relating to sound or the sense of hearing.

Usage examples:

Dogs have a much greater acoustic range than humans

The properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it.

Usage examples:

The symphony hall has perfect acoustics

Meanings of Acoustically:


In a way that relates to sound or hearing

Usage examples:

The new building was acoustically designed for album recordings., words heard in isolation are acou…

Meanings of Acoustician:


An expert in the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.

Usage examples:

In may, the acoustician ran a sound test involving brass and percussion instruments.

Meanings of Acousticolateral:


Designating a system of nerves in fishes and many amphibians that conveys information to the brain from receptors in the inner ear and the lateral line; of or relating to this system.

Meanings of Acousticon:


Any of various devices used to assist hearing or amplify sound. also figurative. compare earlier otacousticon .

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