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All English words - page 60

Meanings of Acknowledges:


Accept or admit the existence or truth of.

Usage examples:

The plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities

Meanings of Acknowledging:


Accept or admit the existence or truth of.

Usage examples:

The plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities

Meanings of Acknowledgment:


Acceptance of the truth or existence of something.

Usage examples:

There was no acknowledgement of the family's trauma

Meanings of Acknowledgments:


Acceptance of the truth or existence of something.

Usage examples:

There was no acknowledgement of the family's trauma
plural noun

A short text at the beginning or end of a book where the writer names people who have helped in writing the book

Meanings of Aclu:


American civil liberties union.

Meanings of Acme:


The point at which something is at its best or most highly developed.

Usage examples:

Physics is the acme of scientific knowledge

Meanings of Acmes:


The point at which something is at its best or most highly developed.

Usage examples:

Physics is the acme of scientific knowledge

Meanings of Acmite:


An iron-containing mineral of the pyroxene group, which occurs as dark green, pointed crystals.

Meanings of Acne:


A skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents.

Usage examples:

He was clean-shaven with a face that had been ravaged by acne when younger

Meanings of Acneform:


= acneiform .

Meanings of Acneiform:


Of the nature of acne; resembling that or those of acne.

Meanings of Acnodal:


Characterized by or relating to an acnode or acnodes.

Meanings of Acnode:


An isolated point whose coordinates satisfy the equation of a particular curve, but which has no neighbouring points lying on the curve.

Meanings of Acnodes:


An isolated point whose coordinates satisfy the equation of a particular curve, but which has no neighbouring points lying on the curve.

Meanings of Acock:


In a cocked fashion; (figurative and in figurative contexts) defiantly. occasionally also as predicative adjective: cocked.

Meanings of Acoelomate:


Of an animal or animal phylum: having no coelom or principal body cavity; not coelomate.


An acoelomate animal.

Meanings of Acoelous:


Lacking an intestinal cavity; specifically of or relating to the group acoela of simple flatworms having no distinct gut.

Meanings of Acoluthic:


In the terminology of the german biologist richard wolfgang semon (1859–1918): designating the phase following the initial excitation of a sensation; belonging or relating to such a phase.

Meanings of Acolyte:


A person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.

Usage examples:

There were scores of acolytes and priests, preparing to begin the ritual.

Meanings of Acolytes:


A person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.

Usage examples:

There were scores of acolytes and priests, preparing to begin the ritual.

Meanings of Acone:


Of the compound eye of certain insects: formed of ommatidia having transparent cells below the lens, rather than a crystalline cone or a pseudocone.

Meanings of Aconic:


"aconic acid" noun a crystalline carboxylic acid obtained by heating itaconic acid.

Meanings of Aconine:


An amorphous alkaloid with a polycyclic molecule, obtained by hydrolysis of aconitine and possessing limited physiological activity; any of a group of compounds closely related to this.

Meanings of Aconite:


A poisonous plant of the buttercup family, bearing hooded pink or purple flowers and found in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.

Usage examples:

This would allow for the use of a variety of familiar medicinal herbs, including poisonous plants l…

Meanings of Aconites:


A poisonous plant of the buttercup family, bearing hooded pink or purple flowers and found in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.

Usage examples:

This would allow for the use of a variety of familiar medicinal herbs, including poisonous plants l…

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