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All English words - page 46

Meanings of Accreting:


Grow by accumulation or coalescence.

Usage examples:

Ice that had accreted grotesquely into stalactites

Meanings of Accretion:


Growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.

Usage examples:

The accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves

Meanings of Accretions:


Growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.

Usage examples:

The accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves

Meanings of Accretive:


Characterized by gradual growth or increase.

Usage examples:

Despite the accretive sediment measured, there is a clear shoreline erosion

Meanings of Accroach:


To draw to oneself, catch, attract, acquire. in later use: specifically to assume (the prerogative of power) from another, to usurp.

Meanings of Accroached:


To draw to oneself, catch, attract, acquire. in later use: specifically to assume (the prerogative of power) from another, to usurp.

Meanings of Accroaching:


The act of acquiring or taking for oneself (especially wealth or property).

Meanings of Accroachment:


The action of accroach ; usurpation.

Meanings of Accrual:


The accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.

Usage examples:

All debts must be frozen with no further accrual of interest

Meanings of Accruals:


The accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.

Usage examples:

All debts must be frozen with no further accrual of interest

Meanings of Accrue:


(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.

Usage examples:

Financial benefits will accrue from restructuring

Meanings of Accrued:


(of a benefit or sum of money) received or accumulated in regular or increasing amounts over time.

Usage examples:

The accrued interest

(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.

Usage examples:

Financial benefits will accrue from restructuring

Meanings of Accruement:


Something that accrues or has accrued; an addition or accession by natural growth; an increment. also (occasionally): an accumulation.

Meanings of Accruer:


The action of accruing; = "accretion"; an instance of this; "right of accruer": the right to benefit from the action of accretion, especially in the context of shares under probate or trusts.

Meanings of Accrues:


(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.

Usage examples:

Financial benefits will accrue from restructuring

Meanings of Accruing:


(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.

Usage examples:

Financial benefits will accrue from restructuring

Meanings of Acct:


Written abbreviation for account noun

Meanings of Accultural:


Involving or produced by acculturation.

Meanings of Acculturate:


Assimilate to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

Usage examples:

Those who have acculturated to the united states

Meanings of Acculturated:


Assimilate to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

Usage examples:

Those who have acculturated to the united states

Meanings of Acculturates:


Assimilate to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

Usage examples:

Those who have acculturated to the united states

Meanings of Acculturating:


Assimilate to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

Usage examples:

Those who have acculturated to the united states

Meanings of Acculturation:


Assimilation to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

Usage examples:

The process of acculturation may impact both social and psychological well-being

Meanings of Acculturational:



Meanings of Acculturize:


To cause (a person or group) to adapt to or adopt a different culture, especially that of a colonizing, conquering, or majority group; to subject to acculturation.

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