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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Weakens


Weakens – definition


Make or become weaker in power, resolve, or physical strength.

Usage examples:

Fault lines had weakened and shattered the rocks

To make or become weak or weaker

Usage examples:

[ i ] the country’s economy continues to weaken., [ t ] long exposure to vibration can weaken aircr…

To become or make something or someone become less powerful, successful, effective, etc.

Usage examples:

A series of scandals weakened investor confidence., the plan has divided the country and weakened t…

Weakens translation into English

Weakens: translate from English into Chinese

Translate weakens into Chinese (Simplified)}
减弱, 削弱, 弱化, 衰减, 衰弱, 冲淡, 杀, 酥软, 松懈, 松, 收敛, 松开, 纾, 酥

Weakens: translate from English into Dutch

Translate weakens into Dutch}
Verzwakt, Verzwakken, Verslappen, Zwak worden, Verdunnen, Slapper maken, Aanlengen

Weakens: translate from English into French

Translate weakens into French}
Affaiblit, Affaiblir, Faiblir, Ébranler, Ramollir, Émasculer, S'affaiblir

Weakens: translate from English into German

Translate weakens into German}
Schwächt, Schwächen, Abschwächen, Schwach werden, Entkräften, Nachlassen, Schwächer werden, Verringern, Lockern, Aufweichen, Nachgeben, Erlahmen, Angreifen, Aushöhlen, Zehren an, Mitnehmen

Weakens: translate from English into Hindi

Translate weakens into Hindi}
कमजोर, कमज़ोर करना, शक्तिहीन करना, धीमा पड़ना, कमज़ोर होना, निर्बबल होना, निर्बल करना, ढीला होना, उतरना, क्षीण पड़ना, दुर्बल करना, दुर्बल होना

Weakens: translate from English into Italian

Translate weakens into Italian}
Indebolisce, Indebolire, Indebolirsi, Diminuire, Allentare, Affievolire, Fiaccare, Affievolirsi, Allentarsi, Diluire, Menomare

Weakens: translate from English into Korean

Translate weakens into Korean}
약화, 묽게 하다, 꺾이다, 약하게 하다, 약화하다, 굴복하다, 흔들거리다, 결단성이 없어지다, 약해지다, 약화시키다

Weakens: translate from English into Russian

Translate weakens into Russian}
Ослабляет, Ослаблять, Слабеть, Сдаваться, Поддаваться, Ветшать

Weakens: translate from English into Spanish

Translate weakens into Spanish}
Debilita, Debilitar, Debilitarse, Flaquear, Disminuir, Reducir, Atenuar, Desfallecer, Mitigar, Quitar, Desmejorar, Extenuar, Desmejorarse, Quedar, Desvencijar, Abandonar

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Weakens – similar words

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