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The meaning of Storm


Storm – definition


A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.

Usage examples:

These kinds of storms can produce rain, hail snow, thunder and lightning.

Storm windows.


A direct assault by troops on a fortified place.

Usage examples:

The third, and presumably most venturesome of all castle assaults was the storm.

Move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction.

Usage examples:

She burst into tears and stormed off

(of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force.

Usage examples:

Commandos stormed a hijacked plane early today

(of the weather) be violent, with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.

Usage examples:

It was practically dark as we prepared to put the sign onto the posts when a strong wind stormed th…

An extreme weather condition with strong winds and heavy rain or snow

Usage examples:

The storm left over a foot of snow on the ground., the new rent regulations raised a storm of criti…

Storm translation into English

Storm: translate from English into Chinese

Translate storm into Chinese (Simplified)}
风暴, 强攻, 暴风, 暴风雨, 风浪, 龙卷风, 波, 瀑, 攻陷

Storm: translate from English into Dutch

Translate storm into Dutch}
Storm, Bestormen, Onweer, Stormen, Bui, Onweder, Bestorming, Vlaag, Razen, Tieren

Storm: translate from English into French

Translate storm into French}
Tempête, Assaut, Orage, Ouragan, Tourmente, Grêle, Tonnerre, Fulminer, Faire rage, Se ruer, Souffler en tempête, Tomber à torrents, Se révolter, Prendre d'assaut, Emporter d'assaut

Storm: translate from English into German

Translate storm into German}
Sturm, Stürmen, Gewitter, Erstürmen, Unwetter, Wetter, Orkan, Flut, Aufruhr, Bestürmen, Toben, Wüten, Anstürmen, Brausen

Storm: translate from English into Hindi

Translate storm into Hindi}
आंधी, तूफान, तूफ़ान, धावा, झंझा, झंझावात, उपद्रव, झक्कड़, प्रचंड वायु, हुल्लड़, क्रोध से बोलना, अधिकार में करना, ज़बरदस्ती घय्स जाना, हल्ला बोलना, तूफान उठाना, क्रोध करना, तूफ़ान, ग़ुस्से से चीख़ना

Storm: translate from English into Italian

Translate storm into Italian}
Tempesta, Assalto, Temporale, Bufera, Assalire, Infuriare, Uragano, Burrasca, Precipitarsi, Scatenarsi, Gridare

Storm: translate from English into Korean

Translate storm into Korean}
폭풍, 폭풍우, 호우, 강습, 소동, 빗발, 마구 꾸짖다, 날뛰다, 험악해지다, 습격하다, 강습하다, 난폭하게 밀려들다

Storm: translate from English into Russian

Translate storm into Russian}
Буря, Штурмовать, Шторм, Штурм, Гроза, Ураган, Взрыв, Град, Возмущение, Кричать, Бушевать, Горячиться, Стремительно нестись, Смятение, Свирепствовать, Разбушеваться, Стремительно проноситься, Брать приступом, Сильное волнение

Storm: translate from English into Spanish

Translate storm into Spanish}
Tormenta, Asaltar, Tempestad, Asalto, Borrasca, Vendaval, Tomar por asalto, Bramar, Rabiar

Word origin

Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch storm and German Sturm, probably also to the verb stir1. The verb dates from late Middle English in storm (sense 3 of the verb).

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