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The meaning of Blitz

Blitz – definition


An intensive or sudden military attack.

Usage examples:

A heavy artillery blitz

A sudden concerted effort to deal with something.

Usage examples:

Katrina and i had a blitz on the cleaning

Another term for lightning chess.


Attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz.

Usage examples:

News came that rotterdam had been blitzed

Process (food) in an electric mixing machine.

Usage examples:

Add the eggs and blitz the mixture until it becomes granular

Charge (the opposing team's quarterback) in a blitz.

Usage examples:

The trademarks are quickness to the ball and aggressive pursuit of the quarterback by linemen and b…

A sudden and violent military attack, usually with bombs dropped from aircraft

Usage examples:

That computer needs an advertising blitz to sell it.

A short period of time during which a company, government, etc. makes a special effort in a particular area of business or economic activity

Usage examples:

The legislation is part of a blitz of new climate change bills., an advertising/marketing/media blitz

Blitz translation into English

Blitz: translate from English into Chinese

Translate blitz into Chinese (Simplified)}
闪电战, 投弹, 闪击战

Blitz: translate from English into Dutch

Translate blitz into Dutch}
Blitz, Bliksemoorlog, Vernietigen

Blitz: translate from English into French

Translate blitz into French}
Blitz, Attaque éclaire, Bombarder

Blitz: translate from English into German

Translate blitz into German}
Blitz, Luftangriff, Heftig bombardieren

Blitz: translate from English into Hindi

Translate blitz into Hindi}
बम बरसाना, बम फेंकना, बम गिराना, प्रबल आक्रमण, आक्रमण में हानि पहुँचाना या नष्ट करना

Blitz: translate from English into Italian

Translate blitz into Italian}
Lampo, Attacco improvviso

Blitz: translate from English into Korean

Translate blitz into Korean}
전격, 전격적으로 공격하다

Blitz: translate from English into Russian

Translate blitz into Russian}
Блиц, Разбомбить, Блицкриг, Внезапное нападение, Молниеносная война, Разгромить

Blitz: translate from English into Spanish

Translate blitz into Spanish}
Bombardeo aéreo, Bombardear, Ataque por sorpresa

Word origin

1930s: abbreviation of blitzkrieg.

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