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The meaning of Signal


Signal – definition


A gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions, typically by prearrangement between the parties concerned.

Usage examples:

The firing of the gun was the signal for a chain of beacons to be lit

An electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received.

Usage examples:

Equipment for receiving tv signals

An apparatus on a railway, typically a coloured light or a semaphore, giving indications to train drivers of whether or not the line is clear.

Usage examples:

The driver of the mail train overran a signal at danger and ran into the rear of an express

Convey information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound.

Usage examples:

Hold your fire until i signal

Striking in extent, seriousness, or importance; outstanding.

Usage examples:

Their signal failure to achieve a satisfactory solution to the problem

Any action or gesture that encodes a message

Signal translation into English

Signal: translate from English into Chinese

Translate signal into Chinese (Simplified)}
信号, 暗号, 示意, 摽, 手势, 信号机, 发信号

Signal: translate from English into Dutch

Translate signal into Dutch}
Signaal, Teken, Sein, Seinen, Sein geven, Te kennen geven, Voortreffelijk, Aankondigen, Voor signalen voorzien, Uitstekend, Buitengewoon

Signal: translate from English into French

Translate signal into French}
Signal, Insigne, Indicatif, Remarquable, Faire signe à, Faire des signaux, Capital, Signal d'alarme

Signal: translate from English into German

Translate signal into German}
Signal, Signalisieren, Zeichen, Anzeigen, Blinken, Handzeichen, Winken, Nachricht, Ankündigen, Eklatant, Beachtlich, Bemerkenswert

Signal: translate from English into Hindi

Translate signal into Hindi}
संकेत, सिगनल, इशारा, संकेत करना, चिह्न, इशारा करना, सिगनल देना, चिह्न का

Signal: translate from English into Italian

Translate signal into Italian}
Segnale, Segnalare, Segnalazione, Indicare, Segno, Notevole, Cospicuo, Comunicare

Signal: translate from English into Korean

Translate signal into Korean}
신호, 사인, 징조, 계기, 자기편에게 보내는 신호, 자기편에게 보내는 신호의 수단, 신호의, 현전한, 신호를 보내다, ...을 신호로 알리다, ...을 나타내다, ...의 조짐이 되다, ...의 전조가 되다, 신호하다

Signal: translate from English into Russian

Translate signal into Russian}
Сигнал, Сигнализировать, Сигнальный, Знак, Связь, Сигнальное устройство, Давать сигнал, Войска связи, Выдающийся, Замечательный

Signal: translate from English into Spanish

Translate signal into Spanish}
Señal, Indicar, Señalado, Llamada, Avisar, Sintonía, Dar la señal de

Word origin

early 17th century: from French signalé, from the Italian past participle segnalato ‘distinguished, made illustrious’, from segnale ‘a signal’.

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