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The meaning of Land

Land – definition


The part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water.

Usage examples:

The reptiles lay their eggs on land

A country or state.

Usage examples:

The valley is one of the most beautiful in the land

The space between the rifling grooves in a gun.

Usage examples:

What is radical about the briley design is that it is rifled with six, straight, equally spaced lan…

Put (someone or something) on land from a boat.

Usage examples:

He landed his troops at hastings

Come down through the air and rest on the ground or another surface.

Usage examples:

We will shortly be landing at gatwick

Inflict (a blow) on someone.

Usage examples:

I won the fight without landing a single punch

A state of germany or austria.

Usage examples:

A second school highlights the distinctive role of regional governments in federal systems, however…

The surface of the earth that is not covered by water

Usage examples:

It is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea., they just bought 150 acres of land in idaho., …

The surface of the earth that is not covered by water

Usage examples:

On land it is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea., by land the code gives the minimum sta…

Land translation into English

Land: translate from English into Chinese

Translate land into Chinese (Simplified)}
土地, 降落, 登陆, 地, 国土, 陆地, 陆, 登岸

Land: translate from English into Dutch

Translate land into Dutch}
Land-, Land, Landen, Grond, Grondbezit, Veld, Aanlanden, Landstreek, Neerkomen, Terechtkomen, Landerij, Aan land gaan, Binnenhalen, Lossen, Doen belanden, Slaan, Afzetten, Aan het land zetten, Opstrijken, Klap geven, In de wacht slepen, Ophalen, Toedienen, Aankomen, Bereiken

Land: translate from English into French

Translate land into French}
Terrain, Terre, Débarquer, Pays, Atterrissage, Se poser, Accoster, État, Tomber, Retomber, Pêcher, Arriver à quai, S'atterrir

Land: translate from English into German

Translate land into German}
Land, Landen, Boden, Grund, Grund und boden, Ländereien, Grundbesitz, Terrain, An land gehen, Aufsetzen, Kriegen, An land ziehen, Absetzen, Von bord gehen lassen, Abladen, An land bringen, Sich verschaffen, Sich holen, Sich setzen, Löschen

Land: translate from English into Hindi

Translate land into Hindi}
भूमि, देश, जमीन, भूमि का, भू, देश का, पृथ्वी, स्थल, क्षेत्र, राष्ट्र, उतारना, पृथ्वी का, राष्ट्र का, पोट से उतरना, जहाज को उतारना, स्थल का, क्षेत्र का, तीर पर रखना, भूमि पर उतरना

Land: translate from English into Italian

Translate land into Italian}
Terra, Atterrare, Terreno, Sbarcare, Paese, Approdare, Suolo, Far atterrare, Campagna, Proprietà, Cadere, Contrada, Posare, Tirare, Far approdare, Assestare, Procurarsi, Scaricare

Land: translate from English into Korean

Translate land into Korean}
나라, 토지, 땅, 영토, 경지, 영역, 낚아 올리다, 가하다, 빠지게 하다, 올라가다, 주, 끌어 올리다, 닿다, 전원, 상륙시키다, 양륙하다, 탈것에서 내리다, 사람을 나쁜 상태에 빠지게 하다, 물고기를 잡아 끌어 낚아올리다, 물고기를 잡아 낚아올리다, 타격 따위를 가하다, 상륙하다, 착륙하다, 착지하다

Land: translate from English into Russian

Translate land into Russian}
Земельные участки, Земельный, Земля, Приземляться, Страна, Суша, Наземный, Сухопутный, Почва, Государство, Земельная собственность, Высаживать, Высаживаться, Попасть, Материк, Поверхность земли, Приземлять, Поместья, Прибывать, Делать посадку, Причаливать, Вытащить на берег, Мощная военная держава, Доходный дом, Узкая фаска, Поле нареза, Высаживать на берег, Приставать к берегу, Поймать, Выигрывать, Угождать, Достигать, Приводить, Добиваться чего-л.

Land: translate from English into Spanish

Translate land into Spanish}
Tierra, Aterrizar, Tierras, Terreno, Desembarcar, Suelo, País, Región, Campo, Terrestre, Finca, Posarse, Llegar, Tomar tierra, Conseguir, Acabar, Posar, Amerizar, Pescar, Asestar, Amarar, Poner en tierra, Venir, Coger, Sacar del agua, Traer a la orilla, Dar en, Hacer blanco en, Terminar de, Cesar, Poner, Hacer contraer, Lograr, Agricultura, Obtener, Ganar, Agrario

Word origin

German, literally ‘land’.

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