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The meaning of Jabbing


Jabbing – definition


Poke roughly or quickly, especially with something sharp or pointed.

Usage examples:

She jabbed him in his ribs

Inject (someone) with a vaccine; vaccinate.

Usage examples:

The task involves complex logistics before brits can roll up their sleeves and get jabbed

A quick, sharp blow, especially with the fist.

Usage examples:

A jab in the stomach

A hypodermic injection, especially a vaccination.

Usage examples:

The first people to be vaccinated were given the jab yesterday

To push at something hard and quickly with a finger or a thin, pointed object

Usage examples:

[ t ] i jabbed my finger on the needle., [ i ] he jabbed at his food with his fork., he gave his op…

Jabbing translation into English

Jabbing: translate from English into Chinese

Translate jabbing into Chinese (Simplified)}
戳戳, 戳, 忽刺

Jabbing: translate from English into Dutch

Translate jabbing into Dutch}
Prikken, Porren, Steken

Jabbing: translate from English into French

Translate jabbing into French}
Piquer, Coup, Piqûre

Jabbing: translate from English into German

Translate jabbing into German}
Stoßen, Stechen, Eine spritze geben, Eine spritze verpassen, Eine kurze gerade schlagen

Jabbing: translate from English into Hindi

Translate jabbing into Hindi}
जाबिंग, प्रहार करना, मारना, घुसाना, चोट लगा देना, मार लगाना, गिराना, ठोकर से मारना, कड़क उठना, मार लगा देना, चोट लगाना, भोंक देना, भोंकना

Jabbing: translate from English into Italian

Translate jabbing into Italian}
Punzecchiare, Conficcare, Colpire, Pugnalare, Stilettare

Jabbing: translate from English into Korean

Translate jabbing into Korean}
잽, 찌르다, 쿡 찌르다, 날쌔게 쥐어박다

Jabbing: translate from English into Russian

Translate jabbing into Russian}
Тыкать, Пырнуть, Пихать, Толкать, Ударять, Пронзать, Вонзать, Втыкать, Колоть

Jabbing: translate from English into Spanish

Translate jabbing into Spanish}
Pinchando, Pinchar, Golpear, Hurgonear, Clavar, Picar, Dar un golpe, Dar codazos

Word origin

early 19th century (originally Scots): variant of job2.

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