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The meaning of Idea


Idea – definition


A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.

Usage examples:

The idea of linking pay to performance has caught on

The aim or purpose.

Usage examples:

I took a job with the idea of getting some money together

(in platonic thought) an eternally existing pattern of which individual things in any class are imperfect copies.

Usage examples:

For example, the "form" or "idea" of a horse is intelligible, abstract, and applies to all horses.

Idea translation into English

Idea: translate from English into Chinese

Translate idea into Chinese (Simplified)}
主意, 理念, 思想, 想法, 概念, 构想, 念头, 点子, 意见, 意念, 念, 意, 计, 心思, 表象, 心裁

Idea: translate from English into Dutch

Translate idea into Dutch}
Idee, Gedachte, Voorstelling, Denkbeeld, Bedoeling, Begrip, Opvatting, Plan, Voornemen, Verbeelding, Oogmerk, Fantasie

Idea: translate from English into French

Translate idea into French}
Idée, Notion, Pensée, Conception, Projet, Opinion, Impression, Plan

Idea: translate from English into German

Translate idea into German}
Idee, Vorstellung, Ahnung, Gedanke, Begriff, Einfall, Meinung, Ansicht, Konzeption, Anregung, Anschauung

Idea: translate from English into Hindi

Translate idea into Hindi}
विचार, सुझाव, योजना, अवधारणा, कल्पना, इरादा, भाव, अभिप्राय, वित्ति, मत, प्रत्यय, धारणा

Idea: translate from English into Italian

Translate idea into Italian}
Idea, Concetto, Nozione, Veduta

Idea: translate from English into Korean

Translate idea into Korean}
아이디어, 생각, 이데아, 사상, 의견, 예감, 이상, 상

Idea: translate from English into Russian

Translate idea into Russian}
Идея, Представление, Мысль, Понятие, План, Намерение, Фантазия, Воображение

Idea: translate from English into Spanish

Translate idea into Spanish}
Ocurrencia, Idea, Concepto, Noción, Especie

Word origin

late Middle English (in idea (sense 3)): via Latin from Greek idea ‘form, pattern’, from the base of idein ‘to see’.

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