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The meaning of Advantage

Advantage – definition


A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior position.

Usage examples:

Companies with a computerized database are at an advantage

Put in a favourable or superior position.

Usage examples:

Are we simply caught in a spiral here that will be destructive of our interests while, obviously, s…

A condition that helps you or gives you a greater chance of success

Usage examples:

[ c ] his long arms give him a big advantage over other boxers., [ u ] test scores show no advantag…

A good feature that makes something better than similar things

Usage examples:

Have/get/gain an advantage smaller businesses often have an advantage in the area of customer relat…

Advantage translation into English

Advantage: translate from English into Chinese

Translate advantage into Chinese (Simplified)}
优势, 优点, 好处, 利, 便利, 优越, 裨益, 益, 赢利, 裨, 赢余, 裨补

Advantage: translate from English into Dutch

Translate advantage into Dutch}
Voordeel, Voorrecht, Overwicht, Voorrang

Advantage: translate from English into French

Translate advantage into French}
Avantage, Profit, Avantager, Intérêt

Advantage: translate from English into German

Translate advantage into German}
Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug, Plus, Begünstigung, Nützlichkeit, Annehmlichkeit

Advantage: translate from English into Hindi

Translate advantage into Hindi}
फायदा, लाभ, अनुकूल परिस्थिति, बढ़ाई, लाभदायक होना, लाभ पहुँचाना, नफा, भलाई, सुविधा

Advantage: translate from English into Italian

Translate advantage into Italian}
Vantaggio, Beneficio, Profitto, Convenienza, Tornaconto, Pro

Advantage: translate from English into Korean

Translate advantage into Korean}
이점, 유리, 유리한 점, 우월, 듀스 후 일점의 득점

Advantage: translate from English into Russian

Translate advantage into Russian}
Преимущество, Плюс, Польза, Выгода, Превосходство, Перевес, Способствовать, Благоприятное положение, Давать преимущество, Благоприятствовать

Advantage: translate from English into Spanish

Translate advantage into Spanish}
Ventaja, Ventajas, Provecho, Beneficio, Favorecer, Pro, Ser ventajoso para

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French avantage, from avant ‘in front’, from late Latin abante (see advance).

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