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The meaning of Hurl


Hurl – definition


Throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.

Usage examples:

Rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen

A ride in a vehicle; a lift.

Usage examples:

Hey pal, any chance of a hurl?

Throw forcefully


To throw something forcefully

Usage examples:

The volcano hurled hundreds of tons of rock, ash, and dust into the air., he hurled (= shouted) ins…

Hurl translation into English

Hurl: translate from English into Chinese

Translate hurl into Chinese (Simplified)}
投, 摔, 愤慨地说出

Hurl: translate from English into Dutch

Translate hurl into Dutch}
Slingeren, Smijten, Werpen, Ruk, Sprong

Hurl: translate from English into French

Translate hurl into French}
Lancer, Jeter, Précipiter, Se ruer, Balancer, Se précipiter, Jeter avec violence

Hurl: translate from English into German

Translate hurl into German}
Schleudern, Stürzen, Ballern, Pfeffern

Hurl: translate from English into Hindi

Translate hurl into Hindi}
उछालना, वेग से फेंकना, चक्कर देना, फेंकना

Hurl: translate from English into Italian

Translate hurl into Italian}
Scagliare, Lanciare, Gettare, Scaraventare, Lanciarsi, Vibrare, Sbattere, Avventarsi, Slanciarsi

Hurl: translate from English into Korean

Translate hurl into Korean}
던지다, 퍼붓다, 세게 던지기, 차로 운반하다

Hurl: translate from English into Russian

Translate hurl into Russian}
Швырять, Метать, Бросать, Сильный бросок, Бита, Разражаться, Клюшка, Валить, Швыряться

Hurl: translate from English into Spanish

Translate hurl into Spanish}
Lanzar, Arrojar, Lanzamiento, Tirar algo

Word origin

Middle English: probably imitative, but corresponding in form and partly in sense with Low German hurreln .

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