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The meaning of Gross


Gross – definition


(especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable.

Usage examples:

Gross human rights abuses

(of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.

Usage examples:

The gross amount of the gift was £1,000

Very rude or coarse; vulgar.

Usage examples:

A gross, slap-and-tickle version of ‘the taming of the shrew’

General or large-scale; not detailed.

Usage examples:

At the gross anatomical level

Without tax or other contributions having been deducted.

Usage examples:

If the value of your bond is £50,000 or more the interest will be paid gross

Produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income.

Usage examples:

The film went on to gross $8 million

An amount equal to twelve dozen; 144.

Usage examples:

Fifty-five gross of tins of processed milk

A gross profit or income.

Usage examples:

The box office grosses mounted

(esp. of something bad or wrong) extreme or obvious

Usage examples:

The birds die from hunger, thirst, and gross overcrowding., she watches these really gross movies.,…

Used to describe a total amount of money before tax, etc. is taken off

Usage examples:

Gross earnings/income/revenue the company posted gross earnings of $150.8 million., gross salary/wa…

Gross translation into English

Gross: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gross into Chinese (Simplified)}
总的, 毛, 合计, 过胖的, 重大的, 总共赚得

Gross: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gross into Dutch}
Goor, Bruto, Grof, Schromelijk, Gros, Ruw, Dik, Massa, Lomp, Onbeschoft

Gross: translate from English into French

Translate gross into French}
Brut, Grossier, Grosse, Flagrant, Choquant, Fruste, Douze douzaines, Bouffi, Goulu, Obtenir une recette brute

Gross: translate from English into German

Translate gross into German}
Grob, Brutto, Gros, Krass, Gesamt, Gröblich, Massiv, Unfein, Feist, Unanständig

Gross: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gross into Hindi}
कुल, सकल, घोर, स्थूल, भारी, मोटा, ठोस, महत, अशिष्ट, अशिष्टतापूर्ण, निर्लज्ज, कल

Gross: translate from English into Italian

Translate gross into Italian}
Schifoso, Lordo, Grossolano, Totale, Complessivo, Volgare, Grossa, Macroscopico, Madornale, Grasso, Blocco

Gross: translate from English into Korean

Translate gross into Korean}
역겨운, 심한, 큰, 천한, 거친, 짙은, 크게, 둔한, 무성한, 도매로, 총체의

Gross: translate from English into Russian

Translate gross into Russian}
Валовой, Брутто, Грубый, Большой, Гросс, Масса, Крупный, Плотный, Толстый, Макроскопический, Грязный, Вульгарный, Явный, Ужасный, Тучный, Объемистый, Непристойный, Грубого помола, Буйный, Жирный, Притупленный, Сгущенный, Оптовый, Весьма ощутимый, Получать чистый доход, Приносить чистый доход, Простой

Gross: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gross into Spanish}
Bruto, Grave, Grueso, Asqueroso, Gruesa, Grosero, Enorme, Craso, Tremendo, Intolerable, Muy gordo

Word origin

Middle English (in the sense ‘thick, massive, bulky’): from Old French gros, grosse ‘large’, from late Latin grossus .

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