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The meaning of Chatter


Chatter – definition


A series of short, quick high-pitched sounds.

Usage examples:

The starlings' constant chatter

To talk continuously and usually for no serious purpose

Usage examples:

The boys and girls kept chattering during the movie., birds chattered in the trees., the printer wa…

Chatter translation into English

Chatter: translate from English into Chinese

Translate chatter into Chinese (Simplified)}
喋喋不休, 唠, 数落, 振动, 噜, 喋, 闲谈, 瞎扯, 胡扯, 瞎说, 摆龙门阵, 谈天, 嗹

Chatter: translate from English into Dutch

Translate chatter into Dutch}
Kletsen, Klapperen, Babbelen, Kakelen, Praten, Ratelen, Gekakel, Gesnater, Gesnap, Snateren, Snappen, Keuvelen

Chatter: translate from English into French

Translate chatter into French}
Bavarder, Jaser, Babiller, Claquer, Jacasser, Brouter, Jacassement, Claquement, Papoter, Discourir, Blaguer, Blague

Chatter: translate from English into German

Translate chatter into German}
Geschwätz, Schwatzen, Plappern, Klappern, Geplapper, Rattern, Schnattern, Schwätzen, Geratter, Quatschen, Babbeln, Schwätzerei, Gequake, Knattern, Plapperei, Krächzen

Chatter: translate from English into Hindi

Translate chatter into Hindi}
बकवास, कटकटाना, चहचहाना, बकाना, बक, कुतर्क, बकवास करना, बकवास बोलना, बकबक करना, खड़खड़ाना

Chatter: translate from English into Italian

Translate chatter into Italian}
Chiacchiere, Chiacchierare, Vibrazione, Chiacchierio, Ciarlare, Vibrare, Schiamazzo, Blaterare, Battere i denti, Ciarlio

Chatter: translate from English into Korean

Translate chatter into Korean}
끽끽 우는 소리, 재잘거림, 재잘거리다, 잡담하다, 저귀다

Chatter: translate from English into Russian

Translate chatter into Russian}
Болтовня, Болтать, Стучать, Вибрация, Щебетание, Дребезжание, Щебетать, Трещать, Разбалтывать, Дрожать, Стрекотать, Журчание, Дребезжать, Журчать, Стучать зубами, Вибрировать

Chatter: translate from English into Spanish

Translate chatter into Spanish}
Charla, Charlar, Parlotear, Parloteo, Cháchara, Castañetear, Castañeteo, Rajar, Decir charlas, Trapalear

Word origin

Middle English: imitative.

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