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English words containing rik:

Meanings of Afrikaans:


A language of southern africa, derived from the form of dutch brought to the cape by protestant settlers in the 17th century, and an official language of south africa.

Usage examples:

He writes in both afrikaans and english

A language of southern africa, derived from the form of dutch brought to the cape by protestant settlers in the 17th century. it is an official language of south africa, spoken by around 6 million people as their first language.

Meanings of Afrikander:


An animal of a south african breed of sheep or longhorn cattle.

Usage examples:

The africander is south africa's most popular native breed, comprising 30% of the cattle population.

Meanings of Afrikanderdom:



Meanings of Afrikanderism:


= afrikanerism .

Meanings of Afrikaner:


An afrikaans-speaking white person in south africa, especially one descended from the dutch and huguenot settlers of the 17th century.

Usage examples:

In my academic posting here i report a study of south african afrikaners (whites of dutch origin).

Meanings of Antistrike:


Opposed to or intended to prevent strikes (= periods of time when workers refuse to work because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses)

Usage examples:

He was jailed twice for defying antistrike laws., an anti-strike petition has been signed by 150 ac…

Meanings of Ariki:


A maori chief or high priest.

Usage examples:

The ariki wear a feathered cloak on special marae occasions



Meanings of Counterstrike:


An attack made in response to one made by an enemy or opponent.

Usage examples:

The assumption is that even the slight possibility of a counterstrike would be enough to deter him

Attack in response.

Usage examples:

Almost anyone can be taught to block a punch and counterstrike

Meanings of Go-on-strike:


To start to strike

Usage examples:

All 2,500 employees went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory., they fired sev…



Meanings of Jinrikishas:


Another term for rickshaw.



Meanings of Lorikeet:


A small bird of the lory family, found chiefly in new guinea.

Usage examples:

Active fast flying lorikeets and big birds such as cockatoos and macaws should be in a large flight…

Meanings of Lorikeets:


A small bird of the lory family, found chiefly in new guinea.

Usage examples:

Active fast flying lorikeets and big birds such as cockatoos and macaws should be in a large flight…

Meanings of Notarikon:


A rabbinical and kabbalistic method of interpreting the hebrew scriptures by making words from letters taken from the beginning, middle, or end of the words in a sentence; (more generally) a method of forming a word in this way, or of interpreting a word as having been so constructed.

Meanings of Outstrike:


To surpass in striking; to deal swifter or heavier blows than. now chiefly sport.

Meanings of Overstrike:


The superimposing of one printed character or one coin design on another.

Usage examples:

Its primary purpose is to switch from insert mode to overstrike mode during text editing, and i nev…



Meanings of Paprika:


A powdered spice with a deep orange-red colour and a mildly pungent flavour, made from the dried and ground fruits of certain varieties of pepper.

Usage examples:

Most barbecue sauces are tomato-based and encompass a myriad of spices such as chili powder, paprik…

Meanings of Perikarya:


The cell body of a neuron, containing the nucleus.

Usage examples:

The perikaryon of a microglial cell is irregular in shape, and, if elongated, the few processes ema…



Meanings of Perikaryon:


The cell body of a neuron, containing the nucleus.

Usage examples:

The perikaryon of a microglial cell is irregular in shape, and, if elongated, the few processes ema…

Meanings of Restrike:


A reimpression of a coin, medal, or print.


To strike again; especially to mint (a coin or coinage) again or differently.

Meanings of Restrikes:


A reimpression of a coin, medal, or print.


To strike again; especially to mint (a coin or coinage) again or differently.

Meanings of Restriking:


The action or process of restrike ; an instance of this.

Meanings of Rik:


A musical instrument similar to a tambourine, used principally in arab countries.

Meanings of Rikk:


A musical instrument similar to a tambourine, used principally in arab countries.

Meanings of Shrike:


A songbird with a strong sharply hooked bill, often impaling its prey of small birds, lizards, and insects on thorns.

Usage examples:

Because their feet are not large or strong enough to hold prey, shrikes find a crotch in a tree, a …

Meanings of Shrikes:


A songbird with a strong sharply hooked bill, often impaling its prey of small birds, lizards, and insects on thorns.

Usage examples:

Because their feet are not large or strong enough to hold prey, shrikes find a crotch in a tree, a …

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