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English phrasal verbs list - page 2

Meanings of Blow up:

phrasal verb


Usage examples:

The car blew up as soon as it hit the wall

Board up


Meanings of Board up:

phrasal verb

Cover with wooden boards

Meanings of Bog off:

phrasal verb

Go away.

Usage examples:

I told him to bog off

Meanings of Boil down to:

phrasal verb

Have a particular thing as the main or central part.

Usage examples:

Everything boiled down to cash in the end

Meanings of Boil up:

phrasal verb

If a bad emotion boils up, it becomes very strong and difficult to control

Usage examples:

Anger suddenly boiled up in him., could you boil some water up for me?

Meanings of Bolster up:

phrasal verb

Support and strengthen

Meanings of Bomb out:

phrasal verb

To fail in a competition

Usage examples:

She had bombed out in the 100 metres so was desperate for a medal in the 200., united bombed out of…

Bone up


Meanings of Bone up:

phrasal verb

Study intensively, as before an exam

Meanings of Book up:

phrasal verb

Book all available places or tickets

Border on


Meanings of Border on:

phrasal verb

Come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character

Meanings of Boss around:

phrasal verb

Be bossy towards

Botch up


Meanings of Botch up:

phrasal verb

Make a mess of, destroy or ruin

Meanings of Bottle up:

phrasal verb

Control and refrain from showing

Bottom out


Meanings of Bottom out:

phrasal verb

Hit the ground

Meanings of Bounce back:

phrasal verb

Improve in health

Meanings of Bounce off:

phrasal verb

If you bounce something off someone, you tell someone about an idea or plan in order to find out what they think of it

Usage examples:

Can i bounce a couple of ideas off you?

Meanings of Bow down to:

phrasal verb

To obey someone completely

Usage examples:

He expects me to bow down to him, but i won’t do it.

Meanings of Bow out:

phrasal verb

Remove oneself from an obligation

Meanings of Box in:

phrasal verb

Enclose or confine as if in a box

Meanings of Brace up:

phrasal verb

Make secure underneath

Meanings of Break down:

phrasal verb

Stop operating or functioning

Break in


Meanings of Break in:

phrasal verb

Intrude on uninvited

Meanings of Break into:

phrasal verb

Express or utter spontaneously

Meanings of Break off:

phrasal verb

Interrupt before its natural or planned end

Meanings of Break out:

phrasal verb

Begin suddenly and sometimes violently

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