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Meanings of Catabolized:


(of a living organism) process (a substance) by the breakdown of complex molecules to form simpler ones, together with the release of energy.

Usage examples:

When starvation is present, the body will catabolize its own muscle protein

Meanings of Catabolizing:


(of a living organism) process (a substance) by the breakdown of complex molecules to form simpler ones, together with the release of energy.

Usage examples:

When starvation is present, the body will catabolize its own muscle protein

Meanings of Catachreses:


The use of a word in an incorrect way, for example the use of mitigate for militate.

Usage examples:

English and american studies, especially, seemed to be focusing on narrative and drama in ways that…

Meanings of Catachresis:


The use of a word in an incorrect way, for example the use of mitigate for militate.

Usage examples:

English and american studies, especially, seemed to be focusing on narrative and drama in ways that…

Meanings of Cataclasis:


The fracture and breaking up of rock by natural processes.

Usage examples:

For example, cataclasis is a fracture-related process that changes a fault from a simple pair of mo…

Meanings of Cataclysm:


A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.

Usage examples:

The cataclysm at the end of the cretaceous period

Meanings of Cataclysmic:


(of a natural event) large-scale and violent.

Usage examples:

A cataclysmic earthquake

Meanings of Cataclysmically:


In a way that causes a lot of destruction or a sudden, violent change

Usage examples:

Many wondered how the monumental twin towers could be toppled so easily and cataclysmically., we ne…

Meanings of Cataclysms:


A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.

Usage examples:

The cataclysm at the end of the cretaceous period

Meanings of Catacomb:


An underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient romans.

Usage examples:

While their roman counterparts worshipped in catacombs and underground vaults, the egyptian christi…

Meanings of Catacombs:


An underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient romans.

Usage examples:

While their roman counterparts worshipped in catacombs and underground vaults, the egyptian christi…

Meanings of Catadioptric:


Denoting an optical system which involves both the reflecting and refracting of light, in order to reduce aberration.

Usage examples:

Despite some improvements in narrowing the laser bandwidth, the lack of a glass material in additio…

Meanings of Catadioptrical:


Denoting an optical system which involves both the reflecting and refracting of light, in order to reduce aberration.

Usage examples:

Despite some improvements in narrowing the laser bandwidth, the lack of a glass material in additio…

Meanings of Catadromous:


(of a fish such as the eel) migrating down rivers to the sea to spawn.

Usage examples:

Anguillid eels are catadromous, meaning that maturing individuals spend most of their lives in estu…

Meanings of Catafalque:


A decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state.

Usage examples:

It was 11.15 am when the bearer party, their faces strained in concentration, came into the crisp, …

Meanings of Catafalques:


A decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state.

Usage examples:

It was 11.15 am when the bearer party, their faces strained in concentration, came into the crisp, …

Meanings of Catalan:


A native of catalonia in spain.

Usage examples:

A survey the other day revealed that 80% of catalans want spain to lose every possible game.

A romance language closely related to castilian spanish and provençal, widely spoken in catalonia (where it has official status alongside castilian spanish) and in andorra, the balearic islands, and parts of southern france. it has about 6 million speakers in all.

Meanings of Catalase:


An enzyme that catalyses the reduction of hydrogen peroxide.

Usage examples:

In addition, the human body produces its own antioxidants that take the form of enzymes, including …

Meanings of Catalectic:


(of a metrical line of verse) lacking one syllable in the last foot.

Usage examples:

The concept of catalexis and the catalectic verse is important in the study of the anapaestic dimet…

A line lacking a syllable in the last foot.

Meanings of Catalepsy:


A medical condition characterized by a trance or seizure with a loss of sensation and consciousness accompanied by rigidity of the body.

Usage examples:

Furthermore, high dose morphine is well reported as a cause of rigidity, catalepsy, akathisia, and …

Meanings of Cataleptic:


Affected by or characteristic of catalepsy.

Usage examples:

He began to have cataleptic trances during which he saw visions

A person who has catalepsy.

Meanings of Cataleptics:


A person who has catalepsy.


Affected by or characteristic of catalepsy.

Usage examples:

He began to have cataleptic trances during which he saw visions

Meanings of Catalog:


A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order.

Usage examples:

The catalogue offered profiles of some social justice ngos from around the world who had been using…

Make a systematic list of (items of the same type).

Usage examples:

It will be some time before the collection is fully catalogued

Meanings of Cataloged:


Make a systematic list of (items of the same type).

Usage examples:

It will be some time before the collection is fully catalogued

A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order.

Usage examples:

The catalogue offered profiles of some social justice ngos from around the world who had been using…

Meanings of Cataloger:


A person who compiles systematic lists of items, in particular resources or works within a collection.

Usage examples:

An email automatically notified the cataloguer that a document was ready for processing

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