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All English words - page 86

Meanings of Adhesives:


A substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.

Usage examples:

Tile adhesive

Able to stick fast to a surface or object; sticky.

Usage examples:

An adhesive label

Meanings of Adhibit:


Apply or affix (something) to something else.

Usage examples:

Signed by a partner who would either adhibit the firm's signature or his own

Meanings of Adhibited:


Apply or affix (something) to something else.

Usage examples:

Signed by a partner who would either adhibit the firm's signature or his own

Meanings of Adhibiting:


Apply or affix (something) to something else.

Usage examples:

Signed by a partner who would either adhibit the firm's signature or his own

Meanings of Adhibits:


Apply or affix (something) to something else.

Usage examples:

Signed by a partner who would either adhibit the firm's signature or his own

Meanings of Adhocracy:


A system of flexible and informal organization and management in place of rigid bureaucracy.

Usage examples:

The attempt of late has been to create an ‘effective adhocracy’ as alvin put it.

Meanings of Adhort:


To exhort, urge.

Meanings of Adiabat:


An adiabatic curve or line; = "adiabatic".

Meanings of Adiabatic:


Relating to or denoting a process or condition in which heat does not enter or leave the system concerned.

Usage examples:

The adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas

A curve or formula representing adiabatic phenomena.

Usage examples:

On the thermal plane, the adiabatics appear as straight lines corresponding to different entropies.

Meanings of Adiantum:


Technical term for maidenhair fern.

Meanings of Adiaphanous:


Not diaphanous or translucent; (almost) opaque.

Meanings of Adiaphoral:


Of or relating to issues and practices not considered central to the christian faith; adiaphorous. see adiaphoron . also (occasionally) as noun: †an adiaphoron (obsolete).

Meanings of Adiaphorism:


Adiaphoristic beliefs or principles; latitude or indifference in religious matters; indifferentism, latitudinarianism; an instance of this.

Meanings of Adiaphorist:


Any one of a group of moderate lutherans led by phillipp melanchthon, who advocated certain issues and ceremonies to be considered as adiaphora and not central to the protestant faith.


Of, relating to, or of the nature of an adiaphorist or adiaphorists; that allows latitude in religious matters.

Meanings of Adiaphoristic:


Of or relating to adiaphora or adiaphorists; = adiaphorist .

Meanings of Adiaphoron:


Usually in plural. an issue or practice not considered to be central to a religion, especially christianity; a religious matter that allows latitude; a non-essential element of a faith. also: something of a morally neutral nature; a thing which is neither inherently good nor bad.


In predicative use. of the nature of an adiaphoron or adiaphora.

Meanings of Adiaphorous:


Neutral, impartial; indifferent to; peripheral, irrelevant; specifically of or relating to adiaphora or religious issues not considered to be central to a particular faith; governed or guided by what is considered adiaphora.

Meanings of Adiate:


In roman-dutch law: to accept (an inheritance) as an heir or (in south africa) a beneficiary of a will.

Meanings of Adiated:


In roman-dutch law: to accept (an inheritance) as an heir or (in south africa) a beneficiary of a will.

Meanings of Adiathermanous:


= adiathermic .

Meanings of Adiathermic:


Of a substance, body, etc.: not diathermic; allowing no transfer of heat.

Meanings of Adiating:


In roman-dutch law: to accept (an inheritance) as an heir or (in south africa) a beneficiary of a will.

Meanings of Adiation:


In roman-dutch law: the action or process of adiate .

Meanings of Adience:


The tendency to seek out or maximize the impact of a stimulus; behaviour of this type. opposed to abience .

Meanings of Adient:


Exhibiting, involving, or relating to a tendency to seek out or maximize the impact of a stimulus. opposed to abient .

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