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All English words - page 84

Meanings of Adenopathy:


Disease affecting lymph nodes; enlargement of lymph nodes; an instance of this.

Meanings of Adenosarcoma:


A sarcoma containing glandular elements.

Meanings of Adenosarcomas:


A sarcoma containing glandular elements.

Meanings of Adenoses:


The formation of glands, specifically as a pathological process occurring especially in the breast or the vagina.

Meanings of Adenosine:


A compound consisting of adenine combined with ribose, present in all living tissue in combined form as nucleotides.

Usage examples:

The nucleotide elements of dna are adenosine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, abbreviated a, g, c, …

Meanings of Adenosis:


The formation of glands, specifically as a pathological process occurring especially in the breast or the vagina.

Meanings of Adenotomy:


Originally: †dissection of glands (obsolete rare). in later use: excision of adenoids.

Meanings of Adenous:


Containing or resembling glands or (in early use) lymph nodes.

Meanings of Adenovirus:


Any of a group of dna viruses first discovered in adenoid tissue, most of which cause respiratory diseases.

Usage examples:

Retroviruses, adenoviruses, and lentiviruses have all been used as vehicles for rna interference co…

Meanings of Adenoviruses:


Any of a group of dna viruses first discovered in adenoid tissue, most of which cause respiratory diseases.

Usage examples:

Retroviruses, adenoviruses, and lentiviruses have all been used as vehicles for rna interference co…

Meanings of Adenyl:


A group or radical derived from adenine by the loss of one hydrogen atom.

Meanings of Adenyls:


A group or radical derived from adenine by the loss of one hydrogen atom.

Meanings of Adephaga:


With plural agreement. a suborder of the coleoptera comprising chiefly predatory beetles, including the large ground beetle family (carabidae) and several aquatic families; beetles of this suborder (collectively or individually).

Meanings of Adephagan:


A beetle of the suborder adephaga.


Of or relating to the coleopteran suborder adephaga.

Meanings of Adept:


Very skilled or proficient at something.

Usage examples:

She is adept at cutting through red tape

A person who is skilled or proficient at something.

Usage examples:

He is an adept at imitation

Meanings of Adeptly:


In a skilful way that shows natural ability

Usage examples:

King and his staff managed the negotiations adeptly., he adeptly turned the question around to me.

Meanings of Adepts:


A person who is skilled or proficient at something.

Usage examples:

He is an adept at imitation

Very skilled or proficient at something.

Usage examples:

She is adept at cutting through red tape

Meanings of Adeptship:


The condition or status of an adept, especially an expert in magical or occult practices; the fact of being very skilled or proficient at something.

Meanings of Adequacies:


The state or quality of being adequate.

Usage examples:

The adequacy of testing procedures

Meanings of Adequacy:


The state or quality of being adequate.

Usage examples:

The adequacy of testing procedures

Meanings of Adequate:


Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Usage examples:

This office is perfectly adequate for my needs

Meanings of Adequately:


To a satisfactory or acceptable extent.

Usage examples:

The resources required to prepare adequately will be extensive

Meanings of Adequateness:


The quality or state of being satisfactory, acceptable, or suitable in quality or quantity; adequacy.

Meanings of Adequation:


The result of being made equal, balanced or commensurate; equivalence; exact correspondence; an equivalent. frequently, especially in early use, in philosophical contexts with reference to truth.

Meanings of Adequative:


Adequate, suitable.

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