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Meanings of Busyness:


The state or condition of having a great deal to do.

Usage examples:

It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life



Meanings of Busywork:


Work that keeps a person busy but has little value in itself.

Usage examples:

The provision of aid became an excuse for doing nothing, a kind of busywork that governments undert…

Meanings of But:


Used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.

Usage examples:

He stumbled but didn't fall

Except; apart from; other than.

Usage examples:

We were never anything but poor

No more than; only.

Usage examples:

He is but a shadow of his former self

An argument against something; an objection.

Usage examples:

No buts —just get out of here

Meanings of But for:


Without someone or something

Usage examples:

But for you, i would be completely alone in the world., these banks would have failed but for large…

Meanings of Butane:


A flammable hydrocarbon gas of the alkane series, present in petroleum and natural gas. it is used in bottled form as a fuel.

Usage examples:

The remaining butane and methane are recycled and reused to fuel the process.



Meanings of Butanes:


A flammable hydrocarbon gas of the alkane series, present in petroleum and natural gas. it is used in bottled form as a fuel.

Usage examples:

The remaining butane and methane are recycled and reused to fuel the process.

Meanings of Butanol:


Each of two isomeric liquid alcohols used as solvents; butyl alcohol.

Usage examples:

Recent work in our laboratory has explored the clustering behaviour of organic polar solvents such …

Meanings of Butanone:


A liquid ketone used as an industrial solvent; also called methyl ethyl ketone.

Meanings of Butch:


Having an appearance or other qualities of a type traditionally seen as masculine.

Usage examples:

A butch woman in a baseball cap

A lesbian whose appearance and behaviour are seen as traditionally masculine.

Usage examples:

Also masculine females and feminine males - including butches and gay males considered to be ‘effem…



Meanings of Butcher:


A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.

Usage examples:

Markets often have butchers or cooked meat shops that specialize in the head and trotters, that is,…

Slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.

Usage examples:

A ban on butchering downer cows - animals that stagger, can't walk, or exhibit other signs of bse-w…

Having an appearance or other qualities of a type traditionally seen as masculine.

Usage examples:

A butch woman in a baseball cap

Meanings of Butcheress:


A female butcher; (occasionally also) a butcher's wife or daughter.

Meanings of Butchering:


Slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.

Usage examples:

A ban on butchering downer cows - animals that stagger, can't walk, or exhibit other signs of bse-w…

A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.

Usage examples:

Markets often have butchers or cooked meat shops that specialize in the head and trotters, that is,…

Meanings of Butcherliness:


The quality of being butcherly.

Meanings of Butcherly:


Inflicting or involving brutal slaughter or injury; barbarous; bloody; (of a blow or stroke) rough, violent; hacking.

Meanings of Butcherous:


Inflicting or involving brutal slaughter or injury; murderous; barbarous; bloody.



Meanings of Butchers:


A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.

Usage examples:

Markets often have butchers or cooked meat shops that specialize in the head and trotters, that is,…

Slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.

Usage examples:

A ban on butchering downer cows - animals that stagger, can't walk, or exhibit other signs of bse-w…

Meanings of Butchery:


The work of slaughtering animals and preparing them for sale as meat.

Usage examples:

If women were in the encampment they would be segregated and would prepare the meal, although slaug…

Meanings of Butches:


A lesbian whose appearance and behaviour are seen as traditionally masculine.

Usage examples:

Also masculine females and feminine males - including butches and gay males considered to be ‘effem…

Having an appearance or other qualities of a type traditionally seen as masculine.

Usage examples:

Butch men and feisty women



Meanings of Bute:


Another term for phenylbutazone.

Meanings of Butea:


Any of various trees or climbing plants of the genus butea (family fabaceae (leguminosae)) of southern and south-eastern asia, especially b. monosperma (also called dhak, palas, and flame of the forest).

Meanings of Butene:


Each of four isomeric gaseous alkenes, having the general formula c₄ h₈, which are used as reagents in chemical synthesis, especially in the production of polymers; also called butylene.

Meanings of Butenyl:


Each of three isomeric radicals or groups derived from butene and having the general formula —c₄ h₇. chiefly attributive or as a formative element in chemical names.

Meanings of Buteonine:


Of, relating to, resembling, or characteristic of the genus buteo of buzzards and broad-winged hawks; of or relating to a subfamily buteoninae in which they are often placed.

Meanings of Butine:


Originally, each of four isomeric unsaturated hydrocarbons with chemical formula c₄ h₆; (in later use specifically) either of the two isomers which are alkynes, used in chemical synthesis.

Meanings of Butle:


Work as a butler.

Usage examples:

There is no one today worth buttling for

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