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Meanings of Betides:



Usage examples:

I waited with beating heart, not knowing what would betide

Meanings of Betiding:



Usage examples:

I waited with beating heart, not knowing what would betide

Meanings of Betimes:


Before the usual or expected time; early.

Usage examples:

Next morning i was up betimes

Meanings of Betise:


A foolish or ill-timed remark or action.

Usage examples:

In spite of her bêtise about striped suits he saw her point of view

Meanings of Betises:


A foolish or ill-timed remark or action.

Usage examples:

In spite of her bêtise about striped suits he saw her point of view

Meanings of Betoken:


Be a sign of.

Usage examples:

She wondered if his cold, level gaze betokened indifference or anger

Meanings of Betokened:


Be a sign of.

Usage examples:

She wondered if his cold, level gaze betokened indifference or anger

Meanings of Betokening:


Be a sign of.

Usage examples:

She wondered if his cold, level gaze betokened indifference or anger

Meanings of Betokens:


Be a sign of.

Usage examples:

She wondered if his cold, level gaze betokened indifference or anger

Meanings of Betonies:


A eurasian plant of the mint family, which bears spikes of showy purple flowers.

Usage examples:

It also comes with a free dime-bag of ‘nicotine-free smoking blend consisting of a mixture of wood …

Meanings of Betony:


A eurasian plant of the mint family, which bears spikes of showy purple flowers.

Usage examples:

It also comes with a free dime-bag of ‘nicotine-free smoking blend consisting of a mixture of wood …

Meanings of Betook:


Go to.

Usage examples:

I shall betake myself to my lodgings

Meanings of Betray:


Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.

Usage examples:

A double agent who betrayed some 400 british and french agents to the germans

Meanings of Betrayal:


The action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Usage examples:

The betrayal by the king by his daughter

Meanings of Betrayals:


The action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Usage examples:

The betrayal by the king by his daughter

Meanings of Betrayed:


Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.

Usage examples:

A double agent who betrayed some 400 british and french agents to the germans

Meanings of Betrayer:


A person who is not loyal to their country or to another person, often doing something harmful such as giving information to an enemy

Usage examples:

Betrayers of the nation's interests, judas iscariot is remembered as christ's betrayer., she hadn't…

Meanings of Betrayers:


A person who is not loyal to their country or to another person, often doing something harmful such as giving information to an enemy

Usage examples:

Betrayers of the nation's interests, judas iscariot is remembered as christ's betrayer., she hadn't…

Meanings of Betraying:


Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.

Usage examples:

A double agent who betrayed some 400 british and french agents to the germans

Meanings of Betrays:


Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.

Usage examples:

A double agent who betrayed some 400 british and french agents to the germans

Meanings of Betroth:


Formally engage (someone) to be married.

Usage examples:

In no time i shall be betrothed to isabel

Meanings of Betrothal:


Formal engagement to be married; engagement.

Usage examples:

Hey, i've arranged a lot of betrothals, you can't expect me to remember each one!

Meanings of Betrothals:


Formal engagement to be married; engagement.

Usage examples:

Hey, i've arranged a lot of betrothals, you can't expect me to remember each one!

Meanings of Betrothed:


The person to whom one is engaged.

Usage examples:

How long have you known your betrothed?

Formally engage (someone) to be married.

Usage examples:

In no time i shall be betrothed to isabel

Meanings of Betrothing:


Formally engage (someone) to be married.

Usage examples:

In no time i shall be betrothed to isabel

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