All English words - page 4863
Meanings of Reiving:
verbCarry out raids in order to plunder cattle or other goods.
Usage examples:
Yet, in the absence of the traditional ruling magnates to supervise border rule and defence, the re…
Meanings of Rejang:
nounA member of an indonesian people of south-western sumatra.
adjectiveOf, designating, or relating to the rejang.
Meanings of Reject:
verbDismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.
Usage examples:
Union negotiators rejected a 1.5 per cent pay award
nounA person or thing dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable.
Usage examples:
Some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships
Meanings of Rejectamenta:
nounSeaweed, debris, etc., washed up by the sea or by tides or floodwaters.
Meanings of Rejected:
verbDismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.
Usage examples:
Union negotiators rejected a 1.5 per cent pay award
nounA person or thing dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable.
Usage examples:
Some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships
Meanings of Rejecter:
nounA person who rejects someone or something.
Meanings of Rejecters:
nounA person who rejects someone or something.
Meanings of Rejecting:
verbDismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.
Usage examples:
Union negotiators rejected a 1.5 per cent pay award
nounA person or thing dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable.
Usage examples:
Some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships
Meanings of Rejectingly:
adverbIn a rejecting manner; so as to reject.
Meanings of Rejection:
nounThe dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Usage examples:
The union decided last night to recommend rejection of the offer
Meanings of Rejections:
nounThe dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Usage examples:
The union decided last night to recommend rejection of the offer
Meanings of Rejective:
adjectiveDismissive of a proposal or idea.
Usage examples:
Rejective rage and hatred
Meanings of Rejects:
verbDismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.
Usage examples:
Union negotiators rejected a 1.5 per cent pay award
nounA person or thing dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable.
Usage examples:
Some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships
Meanings of Rejerk:
verbTo jerk (something) again or back; to cause to change direction suddenly.
Meanings of Rejig:
verbOrganize (something) differently; rearrange.
Usage examples:
The organizers scrambled frantically to rejig schedules
nounA reorganization.
Usage examples:
A cabinet rejig
Meanings of Rejigger:
verbOrganize (something) differently; rejig.
Usage examples:
He rejiggers his stump speech ever so slightly to fit the crowd
Meanings of Rejiggered:
verbOrganize (something) differently; rejig.
Usage examples:
He rejiggers his stump speech ever so slightly to fit the crowd
Meanings of Rejiggering:
verbOrganize (something) differently; rejig.
Usage examples:
He rejiggers his stump speech ever so slightly to fit the crowd
Meanings of Rejiggers:
verbOrganize (something) differently; rejig.
Usage examples:
He rejiggers his stump speech ever so slightly to fit the crowd
rɪˈdʒɔɪsMeanings of Rejoice:
verbFeel or show great joy or delight.
Usage examples:
We spent the evening rejoicing at our victory
Meanings of Rejoiced:
verbFeel or show great joy or delight.
Usage examples:
We spent the evening rejoicing at our victory
Meanings of Rejoiceful:
adjectiveFull of or characterized by rejoicing; joyful, joyous.
Meanings of Rejoicement:
nounJoy, exultation, rejoicing; an instance of this.
rɪˈdʒɔɪsMeanings of Rejoices:
verbFeel or show great joy or delight.
Usage examples:
We spent the evening rejoicing at our victory
Meanings of Rejoicing:
nounGreat joy; jubilation.
Usage examples:
The ban was lifted in 1990 amid general rejoicing
verbFeel or show great joy or delight.
Usage examples:
We spent the evening rejoicing at our victory
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