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Meanings of Varna:


Each of the four hindu castes, brahman, kshatriya, vaisya, and sudra.

Usage examples:

Hinduism recognises four varnas based on occupation (jati or jat) and ancestry.
proper noun

A port and resort in eastern bulgaria, on the western shores of the black sea; population 318,313 (2008).



Meanings of Varnas:


Each of the four hindu castes, brahman, kshatriya, vaisya, and sudra.

Usage examples:

Hinduism recognises four varnas based on occupation (jati or jat) and ancestry.
proper noun

A port and resort in eastern bulgaria, on the western shores of the black sea; population 318,313 (2008).

Meanings of Varnishes:


Resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry.

Usage examples:

Several coats of varnish

Apply varnish to.

Usage examples:

We stripped the floor and varnished it

Meanings of Varnishing:


Apply varnish to.

Usage examples:

We stripped the floor and varnished it

Resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry.

Usage examples:

Several coats of varnish

Meanings of Varsities:



Usage examples:

He had his hair cut when he got back from varsity

Meanings of Varsity:



Usage examples:

He had his hair cut when he got back from varsity

Meanings of Varuna:

proper noun

One of the gods in the rig veda. originally the sovereign lord of the universe and guardian of cosmic law, he is known in later hinduism as god of the waters.


ˌdɪdʒ.ɪ.ti ˌkwɪn.ti ˈveə.rəs

Meanings of Varus:


A deformity involving oblique displacement of part of a limb towards the midline.

Usage examples:

The lower extremities were equal in length, and no varus or valgus deformity of the knee was present.



Meanings of Varves:


A pair of thin layers of clay and silt of contrasting colour and texture which represent the deposit of a single year (summer and winter) in a lake. such layers can be measured to determine the chronology of glacial sediments.

Usage examples:

Each summer/winter pair of layers - called varves - would thus represent a single year.

Meanings of Varying:


Differing in size, amount, degree, or nature.

Usage examples:

Varying degrees of success

Differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.

Usage examples:

The properties vary in price

Meanings of Varyingly:


In a way that changes or is different in amount or level, especially among similar things

Usage examples:

They found that different types of land respond varyingly to the greenhouse effect., she has writte…

Meanings of Vasa:


A vessel or duct.

Plural of vas deferens specialized

Meanings of Vascula:


A container used by botanists when collecting plants, typically in the form of a flattened cylindrical metal case with a lengthwise opening, carried by a shoulder strap.

Usage examples:

Many plants may be kept in the vasculum for several days if needed without sustaining injury.

Meanings of Vascularize:


Provide (a tissue or structure) with vessels, especially blood vessels; make vascular.

Usage examples:

The stem cells can start growing vessels to help vascularize the graft



Meanings of Vascularized:


(of a tissue or structure) provided with vessels, especially blood vessels; made vascular.

Usage examples:

Vascularized pelvic fins

Provide (a tissue or structure) with vessels, especially blood vessels; make vascular.

Usage examples:

The stem cells can start growing vessels to help vascularize the graft

Meanings of Vascularizing:


Provide (a tissue or structure) with vessels, especially blood vessels; make vascular.

Usage examples:

The stem cells can start growing vessels to help vascularize the graft

Meanings of Vasculature:


The vascular system of a part of the body and its arrangement.

Usage examples:

Diseases affecting the pulmonary vasculature



Meanings of Vasculitis:


Inflammation of a blood vessel or blood vessels.

Usage examples:

There is no evidence of vasculitis



Meanings of Vasculum:


A container used by botanists when collecting plants, typically in the form of a flattened cylindrical metal case with a lengthwise opening, carried by a shoulder strap.

Usage examples:

Many plants may be kept in the vasculum for several days if needed without sustaining injury.



Meanings of Vase:


A decorative container without handles, typically made of glass or china and used as an ornament or for displaying cut flowers.

Usage examples:

These flowers in a glass vase can enhance the aesthetic appeal of one's living space.

Meanings of Vasectomies:


The surgical cutting and sealing of part of each vas deferens, typically as a means of sterilization.

Usage examples:

He couldn't have made caroline pregnant, because he'd had a vasectomy



Meanings of Vasectomise:


Perform a vasectomy on.

Usage examples:

When a bull is too young he is difficult to vasectomize

Meanings of Vasectomised:


Perform a vasectomy on.

Usage examples:

When a bull is too young he is difficult to vasectomize

Meanings of Vasectomising:


Perform a vasectomy on.

Usage examples:

When a bull is too young he is difficult to vasectomize

Meanings of Vasectomize:


Perform a vasectomy on.

Usage examples:

When a bull is too young he is difficult to vasectomize

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