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Meanings of Unyoked:


Release (a pair of animals) from a yoke.

Usage examples:

Indeed the expense and the nature of the gifts - unyoked animals for unmarried goddesses, for examp…

Meanings of Unzip:


Unfasten the zip fastener of.

Usage examples:

He unzipped his black jacket

Meanings of Unzipped:


Unfasten the zip fastener of.

Usage examples:

He unzipped his black jacket

Past simple and past participle of unzip

Meanings of Unzipping:


Unfasten the zip fastener of.

Usage examples:

He unzipped his black jacket

Present participle of unzip

Meanings of Unzips:


Unfasten the zip fastener of.

Usage examples:

He unzipped his black jacket



Meanings of Up:


Towards a higher place or position.

Usage examples:

He jumped up

From a lower to a higher point of (something).

Usage examples:

She climbed up a flight of steps

Directed or moving towards a higher place or position.

Usage examples:

The up escalator

A period of good fortune or positive mood.

Usage examples:

You can't have ups all the time in football

Denoting a flavour (variety) of stable quark having relatively low mass and an electric charge of + 2/3. in the standard model protons and neutrons are composed of up and down quarks.


(added to verbs and their derivatives) upwards.

Usage examples:


Upper peninsula (of the state of michigan).

Usage examples:

Her in-laws initiated her into all the charming ways of the up

Meanings of Up a creek:


In a difficult situation

Usage examples:

If any more people resign, we'll be really up the creek., he doesn't have a computer and without th…

Meanings of Up in arms:


Protesting vigorously about something.

Usage examples:

Teachers are up in arms about new school tests

Angry or upset

Usage examples:

The union is up in arms over the reduction in health benefits.

Meanings of Up the ante:


Increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute.

Usage examples:

He decided to up the ante in the trade war

To increase your risks or demands in order to get a greater advantage

Usage examples:

The governor upped the ante in her war of words with the mayor, by calling him "dangerous" for the …

Meanings of Up the duff:



Usage examples:

It looks like he's got her up the duff


Usage examples:

Two days before i was due to have an appointment with the doctor, i found out i was up the duff., t…

Meanings of Up to:


Busy or occupied with


Toward a higher position, or toward a higher value, number, or level

Usage examples:

Pick up your clothes and put them away., we need to push sales figures up higher next quarter., the…

Meanings of Up to scratch:


Up to the required standard; satisfactory.

Usage examples:

Her german was not up to scratch

As good as the usual standard

Usage examples:

The last few episodes of the tv program haven’t been quite up to scratch.

Meanings of Up to snuff:


Up to the required standard.

Usage examples:

They need a million dollars to get their facilities up to snuff

Good enough

Usage examples:

Her work isn’t up to snuff.

Meanings of Up-against:

phrasal verb

To experience an unexpected difficulty, or to meet someone who is difficult to deal with

Usage examples:

He’s the slickest talker i’ve ever run up against.

Meanings of Up-and-coming:


Likely to achieve success in the near future

Usage examples:

Tatiana is an up-and-coming young actress.



Meanings of Up-and-down:


In one direction and then in the opposite direction, esp. repeatedly

Usage examples:

The dog was running up and down the path.

Meanings of Up-in-the:


Uncertain and with an unknown result

Usage examples:

The whole future of the project is still up in the air.

Meanings of Up-in-the-air:


Not yet determined


(of a plan or issue) still to be settled; unresolved.

Usage examples:

The fate of the power station is up in the air

Meanings of Up-on:

phrasal verb

To do something that you have not been able to do recently

Usage examples:

I have to catch up on my reading.

Meanings of Up-the-spout:


Wasted, spoiled, or not working correctly

Usage examples:

He said the decision meant that nearly £3m of shareholders' money was up the spout., peter lost his…

Meanings of Up-to-a-point:


Partly, or to a limited degree

Usage examples:

Of course there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point., the new traffic system worked u…


ˌʌp.tə ˈdeɪt

Meanings of Up-to-date:


Having the most recent information, or using the newest methods or tools

Usage examples:

We go to a lot of trouble to keep our database up-to-date.


ˈʌp ˌtuː

Meanings of Up-until:


Less than or equal to, but not more than, a stated value, number, level, or time

Usage examples:

Research suggests that up to half of those who were prescribed the drug suffered side effects., you…

Meanings of Upanishadic:


Each of a series of hindu sacred treatises written in sanskrit c.800–200 bc, expounding the vedas in predominantly mystical and monistic terms.

Usage examples:

I was seated next to a highly educated and enlightened christian priest who was an authority on hin…



Meanings of Upases:


A tropical asian tree, the milky sap of which has been used as arrow poison and for ritual purposes.

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