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Meanings of Unfixing:


Unfasten, detach, or loosen (something)

Usage examples:

To unfix the blocks, push the button



Meanings of Unflappable:


Having or showing calmness in a crisis.

Usage examples:

I prided myself on being unflappable even in the most chaotic circumstances

Meanings of Unflashy:


Not seeking attention through being ostentatiously impressive; restrained or tasteful.

Usage examples:

A solid, unflashy performance

Meanings of Unflattering:


Not flattering.

Usage examples:

The reviews of the book were very unflattering

Meanings of Unflavoured:


(of food or drink) not containing additional flavourings.

Usage examples:

Unflavoured yogurt

Meanings of Unflawed:


Having no weaknesses or imperfections; perfect.

Usage examples:

Her unflawed skin

Meanings of Unfledge:


(of a bird) not yet fledged.

Usage examples:

I first detected an unfledged sandhill crane chick, with two adults, on 5 july 2000.

Meanings of Unfledged:


(of a bird) not yet fledged.

Usage examples:

I first detected an unfledged sandhill crane chick, with two adults, on 5 july 2000.



Meanings of Unflinching:


Not showing fear or hesitation in the face of danger or difficulty.

Usage examples:

He has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign

Meanings of Unflinchingly:


In a way that shows someone is not frightened or is not trying to avoid something

Usage examples:

The film takes an unflinchingly honest look at an issue that faces us all., she stared back unflinc…

Meanings of Unfocused:


(of a person's eyes or gaze) not focusing on a particular person or thing.

Usage examples:

Her eyes became unfocused with deep thought

Make or become blurred or unable to see clearly.

Usage examples:

I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes

Meanings of Unfocusing:


Make or become blurred or unable to see clearly.

Usage examples:

I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes

Meanings of Unfocussed:


Make or become blurred or unable to see clearly.

Usage examples:

I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes

(of a person's eyes or gaze) not focusing on a particular person or thing.

Usage examples:

Her eyes became unfocused with deep thought



Meanings of Unfocussing:


Make or become blurred or unable to see clearly.

Usage examples:

I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes

Meanings of Unfolded:


Open or spread out from a folded position.

Usage examples:

He unfolded the map and laid it out on the table

Meanings of Unfoldment:


The gradual development or revelation of something.

Usage examples:

His spiritual unfoldment

Meanings of Unfolds:


Open or spread out from a folded position.

Usage examples:

He unfolded the map and laid it out on the table

Meanings of Unfollowed:


Stop tracking (a person, group, or organization) on a social media website or application by unsubscribing from their account.

Usage examples:

Never unfollow someone just because they unfollowed you!

Meanings of Unfollowing:


Stop tracking (a person, group, or organization) on a social media website or application by unsubscribing from their account.

Usage examples:

Never unfollow someone just because they unfollowed you!

Meanings of Unforced:


Not produced by effort; natural.

Usage examples:

An unforced cheerfulness

Meanings of Unfordable:


(of a watercourse) not able to be forded.

Usage examples:

In order to get somewhere, we have to hack through thick brush without a machete, ford unfordable r…

Meanings of Unforeseen:


Not anticipated or predicted.

Usage examples:

Our insurance package enables you to protect yourself and your dependants against unforeseen circum…

Meanings of Unforetold:


Not foretold; unpredicted.

Usage examples:

Poetry is always being created anew by unforetold hands and voices

Meanings of Unforgettable:


Impossible to forget; very memorable.

Usage examples:

That unforgettable first kiss

Meanings of Unforgettably:


In a way that has such a strong effect that you cannot forget it

Usage examples:

His descriptions are often unforgettably vivid., these scenes are unforgettably horrible.

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