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All English words - page 382

Meanings of Astrophotometrical:


Of or relating to the use of an astrophotometer.

Meanings of Astrophyllite:


A yellow to brownish-red mineral typically occurring as thin, elongated crystals, often in star-shaped aggregates.

Meanings of Astrophysical:


Relating to the science of astrophysics (= the study of stars and other objects in space using physical laws)

Usage examples:

She is a professor of astrophysical and planetary sciences., much astrophysical research requires v…

Meanings of Astrophysicist:


An expert in or student of astrophysics.

Usage examples:

Imagine an astrophysicist who must explain the solar system to his students.

Meanings of Astrophysicists:


An expert in or student of astrophysics.

Usage examples:

Imagine an astrophysicist who must explain the solar system to his students.

Meanings of Astrophysics:

plural noun

The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies, and the application of the laws and theories of physics to the interpretation of astronomical observations.

Usage examples:

Cosmology and astrophysics are branches of physics in which one needs an unusual combination of bre…

Meanings of Astroscope:


Originally: any of several instruments for assisting an observer in identifying stars and constellations, specifically one consisting of a pair of inscribed cones. in recent use: an instrument for observing stars; an astronomical telescope.

Meanings of Astroscopy:


Observation of the stars, especially for astrological purposes.

Meanings of Astrosphere:


Originally: the aster of a dividing cell, or the outer portion of this, exclusive of the centrosome. later also: the centrosome of a cell.

Meanings of Astrotheology:


Observation of the heavens as the basis of a religious system; reverence of the heavens.

Meanings of Asturian:


Relating to or characteristic of the spanish region of asturias, its inhabitants, or the language spoken there.

Usage examples:

I did a wonderful walk along the asturian coast

The language of the spanish region of asturias.

Usage examples:

Slogans translated into spanish and asturian

Meanings of Astute:


Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.

Usage examples:

An astute businessman

Meanings of Astutely:


Accurately assessing situations or people; perceptively.

Usage examples:

She astutely pointed out that usually you have to be dead to be a legend

Meanings of Astuteness:


The quality of being able to quickly understand a situation and see how to get an advantage from it

Usage examples:

The duo surprised everyone with their astuteness in negotiating the pop music world., she is admire…

Meanings of Astylar:


(of a classical building) lacking columns or pilasters.

Usage examples:

She then describes the battle of the styles between baroque, palladian, and astylar designs for the…

Meanings of Asunder:



Usage examples:

Those whom god hath joined together let no man put asunder

Meanings of Aswarm:


Crowded or full.

Usage examples:

The streets were aswarm with vendors

Meanings of Aswim:



Usage examples:

Sardines aswim in oil

Meanings of Aswirl:


In a twisting or swirling pattern.

Usage examples:

She shook her head, sending the streamers aswirl

Covered or surrounded with something swirling.

Usage examples:

Flowers aswirl with bees

Meanings of Asylum:


The protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee.

Usage examples:

She applied for asylum and was granted refugee status

Meanings of Asylum-seeker:


Someone who leaves their own country, often for political reasons or because of war, and who travels to another country hoping that the government will protect them and allow them to live there

Usage examples:

Genuine/bogus asylum seekers, a record number of asylum seekers arrived in the uk last month.

Meanings of Asylums:


The protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee.

Usage examples:

She applied for asylum and was granted refugee status

Meanings of Asymmetric:


Having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.

Usage examples:

The church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side

Meanings of Asymmetrical:


Having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.

Usage examples:

The church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side

Meanings of Asymmetrically:


In such a way that two halves, sides, or parts of something are not exactly the same in shape or size

Usage examples:

Her hair is cut asymmetrically so it hangs longer on the right side of her face., chairs were arran…

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