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Meanings of To-all-appearances:


Judging from what can be seen

Usage examples:

To all appearances their marriage is fine, but i think she gives him a bad time in private., from a…

Meanings of To-and-fro:


In one direction and then in the opposite direction

Usage examples:

Outside my door i could hear people walking to and fro.

Meanings of To-assist:


To take action to help someone or support something

Usage examples:

[ t ] the company said it would assist workers in finding new jobs., [ i ] no one knew where my gra…

Meanings of To-be-seen:


It is not yet certain

Usage examples:

It remains to be seen who will win.

Meanings of To-be-sure:



Usage examples:

This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading.

Meanings of To-bits:


Into small pieces

Usage examples:

The car was blown to bits., it just fell to bits in my hands., i failed to catch the dish as it fel…

Meanings of To-blame:


To be the reason for something bad that happens

Usage examples:

The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage., a recent opinion piece suggests childre…

Meanings of To-come:


To move or travel toward the speaker or with the speaker

Usage examples:

Will you come here, please?, did you come here by car?, come on in! the water’s great., are you com…



Meanings of To-conclude:


To cause something to end, or to end

Usage examples:

[ t ] she concluded her remarks by thanking her supporters., [ i ] i’d like to conclude with a song…



Meanings of To-die-for:


Excellent or to be strongly wished for

Usage examples:

She has a figure to die for., that chocolate cake is to die for., they sell beautiful shoes and to-…

Meanings of To-do:


A show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves

Usage examples:

Getting our passports renewed was such a to-do.

Meanings of To-do-with:

phrasal verb

To get rid of or destroy something

Usage examples:

The governor is proposing to do away with the state transportation department.

To work with someone else, or with an organization, for a special purpose

Usage examples:

The team is now collaborating with a swiss company to produce the drug., she collaborated with a pr…

Meanings of To-each:


Used to say that everyone likes different things

Usage examples:

You actually like modern jazz, do you? each to their own., i try not to judge people who like diffe…

Meanings of To-end:


The last or farthest part of something or of a period of time, beyond which it does not exist

Usage examples:

She tied one end of the rope to a tree., the punctuation at the end of this sentence is a period., …

Meanings of To-let:


To allow something to happen or someone to do something by giving permission or by not doing anything to stop it from happening

Usage examples:

Fraya’s parents let her go to the movie., he decided to let his hair grow long., she opened the doo…

Meanings of To-live-from-hand-to-mouth:


To have just enough money to live on and nothing extra

Usage examples:

My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we lived from hand to mouth.

Meanings of To-my-mind:


In my opinion

Usage examples:

The room has pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind looks all wrong.



Meanings of To-no-purpose:


An intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen

Usage examples:

[ c ] for budgeting purposes, you really have to start estimating costs now., [ c ] the delay reall…

Meanings of To-one-side:

phrasal verb

To decide that you support a particular opinion or belief in an argument

Usage examples:

The judge sided with workers who were sacked for refusing to use unsafe equipment., side with sb on…

Meanings of To-oneself:

phrasal verb

To limit yourself to a subject or activity

Usage examples:

I can never keep to a diet., i’m going to tell you something but i want you to keep it to yourself.

Meanings of To-perfection:


Extremely well

Usage examples:

The fish was cooked to perfection., that kind of story is done to perfection in the novels of john …

Meanings of To-shreds:


To strongly criticize a person or something they do, think, or say

Usage examples:

The critics tore his performance to shreds., my trousers were torn to shreds when i fell off my bike.

Meanings of To-some-degree:



Usage examples:

To some degree i think that's right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.

Meanings of To-sum-up:

phrasal verb

To express briefly the important facts about something or the characteristics of someone

Usage examples:

The oral report should sum up the main points of the written essay., he’s a man with a big ego – th…

Meanings of To-the-bottom:


A situation in which companies compete with each other to reduce costs by paying the lowest wages or giving workers the worst conditions

Usage examples:

They wanted to stop a "race to the bottom" of auto companies outsourcing work to non-union workers …

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