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Meanings of Throw-on:

phrasal verb

To quickly put clothes on

Usage examples:

She threw on her jacket.

Meanings of Throw-oneself:

phrasal verb

To make it very obvious to someone that you want a sexual relationship with them

Usage examples:

I don't know what it is about john, but women just seem to throw themselves at him.

Meanings of Throw-oneself-into:


To do something enthusiastically

Usage examples:

She’s thrown herself into this new job.



Meanings of Throw-over:

phrasal verb

To finish a relationship with someone and start one with another person

Usage examples:

Throw someone over for someone she threw him over for a richer man.

Meanings of Throw-to-the-lions:


To put someone, or allow someone to be put, into a very unpleasant or difficult situation without helping them, especially as a way of protecting yourself

Usage examples:

He accused his former colleagues of throwing him to the lions., in my opinion, he was thrown to the…

Meanings of Throw-together:

phrasal verb

To suddenly put people or things in one place without much planning

Usage examples:

We were thrown together at a conference., i just threw the cake together at the last minute (= made…

Meanings of Throw-up:


Eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

phrasal verb


Usage examples:

I leaned over and threw up again

Meanings of Throwaway-line:


A remark that sounds unimportant because of the way the speaker says it

Meanings of Throwaways:


A thing intended to be discarded after brief use.

Usage examples:

The song is hardly even a throwaway

Denoting or relating to products that are intended to be discarded after being used once or a few times.

Usage examples:

A throwaway camera

Meanings of Throwbacks:


A reversion to an earlier ancestral characteristic.

Usage examples:

The eyes could be an ancestral throwback

Meanings of Throwers:


A person who throws something.

Usage examples:

He is a good thrower of the ball



Meanings of Throwing:


Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

Usage examples:

I threw a brick through the window

An act of throwing something.

Usage examples:

Holding's throw hit the stumps

Meanings of Throwing-away:

phrasal verb

To get rid of something by treating it as garbage

Usage examples:

When are you going to throw away those old magazines?

Meanings of Throwing-out:

phrasal verb

To get rid of something by treating it as garbage

Usage examples:

Throw it out!, i threw out everything we didn’t eat., i threw him out of my house.

Meanings of Throwing-up:

phrasal verb

To vomit

Usage examples:

He threw up all over his shoes., i fed the baby some fruit, but she threw it up.

Meanings of Thrown:


Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

Usage examples:

I threw a brick through the window

An act of throwing something.

Usage examples:

Holding's throw hit the stumps

Meanings of Thrown-away:

phrasal verb

To get rid of something by treating it as garbage

Usage examples:

When are you going to throw away those old magazines?

Meanings of Thrown-together:

phrasal verb

To suddenly put people or things in one place without much planning

Usage examples:

We were thrown together at a conference., i just threw the cake together at the last minute (= made…

Meanings of Throwoff:


The release of the hounds at the start of a hunt.



Meanings of Throws:


Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

Usage examples:

I threw a brick through the window

An act of throwing something.

Usage examples:

Holding's throw hit the stumps

Meanings of Throwst:


To process (silk) for use in textile manufacture by twisting silk filaments into raw silk, or by twisting together two or more single threads or yarns of silk to form silk thread or yarn.



Meanings of Throwster:


A person who twists silk fibres into thread.

Usage examples:

In a survey of the florentine silk industry in 1663, 78 per cent of adult weavers were women, as we…



Meanings of Thrum:


Make a continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The boat's huge engines thrummed in his ears

A continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The steady thrum of rain on the windows



Meanings of Thrumming:


Make a continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The boat's huge engines thrummed in his ears

A continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The steady thrum of rain on the windows

Meanings of Thrums:


Make a continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The boat's huge engines thrummed in his ears

A continuous rhythmic humming sound.

Usage examples:

The steady thrum of rain on the windows

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