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Meanings of Tarantelle:


A rapid whirling dance originating in southern italy.

Usage examples:

Perhaps the most commonly recognized folk dance, the tarantella, for example, is neapolitan, with l…

Meanings of Tarantula:


A very large hairy spider found chiefly in tropical and subtropical america, some kinds of which are able to catch small lizards, frogs, and birds.

Usage examples:

The children were given the chance to handle giant snails, snake, frogs, tarantulas, scorpions, mil…



Meanings of Tarascan:


A member of an indigenous people of a mountainous area in michoacán, mexico.


Relating to the tarascan or their language.

Meanings of Tarata:


New zealand term for lemonwood.

Meanings of Tarboosh:


A man's cap similar to a fez, typically of red felt with a tassel at the top.

Usage examples:

It may come as a surprise to some that the most prized tarbooshes were those imported from austria.

Meanings of Tarbooshed:


A man's cap similar to a fez, typically of red felt with a tassel at the top.

Usage examples:

It may come as a surprise to some that the most prized tarbooshes were those imported from austria.

Meanings of Tarbooshes:


A man's cap similar to a fez, typically of red felt with a tassel at the top.

Usage examples:

It may come as a surprise to some that the most prized tarbooshes were those imported from austria.

Meanings of Tarbrush:


Black or indian ancestry.

Usage examples:

We had a touch of the tarbrush on us

Meanings of Tardier:


Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.

Usage examples:

Please forgive this tardy reply

Meanings of Tardiest:


Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.

Usage examples:

Please forgive this tardy reply

Meanings of Tardiness:


The quality or fact of being late; lateness.

Usage examples:

Forgive my tardiness, i had some very important business to attend to



Meanings of Tardy:


Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.

Usage examples:

Please forgive this tardy reply

Meanings of Targe:


Archaic term for target (sense 2 of the noun).

Meanings of Targes:


Archaic term for target (sense 2 of the noun).

Meanings of Target:


A person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.

Usage examples:

The airport terminal was the target of a bomb

Select as an object of attention or attack.

Usage examples:

Two men were targeted by the attackers

Meanings of Targeted:


Select as an object of attention or attack.

Usage examples:

Two men were targeted by the attackers

A person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.

Usage examples:

The airport terminal was the target of a bomb

Directed at a particular group or activity

Usage examples:

Targeted advertising/marketing/tax cuts, it will take more targeted initiatives to bring the povert…

Meanings of Targets:


A person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.

Usage examples:

The airport terminal was the target of a bomb

Select as an object of attention or attack.

Usage examples:

Two men were targeted by the attackers

Meanings of Targum:


An ancient aramaic paraphrase or interpretation of the hebrew bible, of a type made from about the 1st century ad when hebrew was ceasing to be a spoken language.

Usage examples:

His father told him, "the targum interprets living soul as a speaking spirit."

Meanings of Tariffed:


Fix the price of (something) according to a tariff.

Usage examples:

These services are tariffed by volume

A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

Usage examples:

The reduction of trade barriers and import tariffs



Meanings of Tariffing:


Fix the price of (something) according to a tariff.

Usage examples:

These services are tariffed by volume

A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

Usage examples:

The reduction of trade barriers and import tariffs

Meanings of Tariqa:


The sufi doctrine or path of spiritual learning.

Usage examples:

Tariqat has neither the right to waive any law of shariat, nor can it allow the followers of tariqa…

Meanings of Tarlatan:


A thin, open-weave muslin fabric, used for stiffening ball dresses.

Usage examples:

It took merely a few minutes for her to grow bored, and she stood, and with wobbling limbs made her…

Meanings of Tarmac:


Material used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas, consisting of broken stone mixed with tar.

Usage examples:

The tarmac path

Surface (a road or other outdoor area) with tarmac or a similar material.

Usage examples:

They'll be wanting to tarmac the path

Meanings of Tarmacadam:


Another term for tarmac.

Meanings of Tarmacs:


Surface (a road or other outdoor area) with tarmac or a similar material.

Usage examples:

They'll be wanting to tarmac the path

Material used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas, consisting of broken stone mixed with tar.

Usage examples:

The tarmac path

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