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Meanings of Superdelegate:


(in the democratic party) an unelected delegate who is free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination at the party's national convention.

Usage examples:

She also arranged a private meeting later in the day with uncommitted superdelegates.

Meanings of Superdural:


An artery or other structure located in the outer layer of the dura mater.


= supradural .

Meanings of Supereffluence:


An abundant flowing out.

Meanings of Superego:


The part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.

Usage examples:

The father is the model for the superego

Meanings of Superegos:


The part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.

Usage examples:

The father is the model for the superego

Meanings of Superelevate:


To elevate above; especially to elevate (a bend on a road, railway track, etc.) on one side.

Meanings of Superelevated:


Elevated above what is expected or usual; extremely or excessively elevated.



Meanings of Superelevation:


The amount by which the outer edge of a curve on a road or railway is banked above the inner edge.

Usage examples:

The lc.c. accident report assigns the accident to excessive speed on the curve, which had a limit o…

Meanings of Supereminence:


The quality of being more important or better than others

Usage examples:

The city's supereminence as a market is related to its supereminence in size., the changing politic…

Meanings of Supereminent:


Old-fashioned term for pre-eminent.

Meanings of Superencipher:


To recode a message that is already enciphered; = recipher .

Meanings of Supererogant:


Going beyond what is needed or required, superfluous.

Meanings of Supererogate:


In roman catholic doctrine: to do more than what god requires or commands, thereby earning merit for others; to perform a work or works of supererogation. hence, more generally: to do more than is required or necessary.

Meanings of Supererogated:


In roman catholic doctrine: to do more than what god requires or commands, thereby earning merit for others; to perform a work or works of supererogation. hence, more generally: to do more than is required or necessary.

Meanings of Supererogation:


The performance of more work than duty requires.

Usage examples:

To maximize profits is for management not an optional exercise or a work of supererogation

Meanings of Supererogative:


More than is needed or required, superfluous; = "supererogatory".

Meanings of Supererogator:


A person who supererogates, or engages in works of supererogation; one who does more than is commanded or required.

Meanings of Superessential:


That is above essence; transcending all being, or all that exists.

Meanings of Superessentially:


In a manner that transcends all being; in a superessential way.

Meanings of Superette:


A small supermarket.

Usage examples:

The shopping centre developer said the community was ecstatic to be gaining a superette and three s…

Meanings of Superexalt:


To exalt or raise to a higher, or to the highest, position or rank; to exalt supremely.

Meanings of Superexaltation:


Exaltation to a higher or the highest level; supreme or excessive exaltation.

Meanings of Superexcellence:


The quality or condition of being superexcellent; superior or supreme excellence.

Meanings of Superexcellency:


A superexcellent quality, characteristic, or attribute.

Meanings of Superexcellent:


That superexcels; excellent to a high degree, or above all others; very, or more than usually, excellent.

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