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Meanings of Antirape:


Opposed to or intended to prevent rape (= the crime of forcefully having sex with someone against their wishes)

Usage examples:

Anti-rape campaigners have been calling for such reforms for years., the group organized an anti-ra…

Meanings of Antirational:


Opposed to the ideas of rationalism (= the belief or principle that actions and opinions should be based on reason rather than emotion or religion)

Usage examples:

The dadaists were an anti-art, anti-rational movement of the early 20th century.

Meanings of Antirationalism:


Beliefs opposed to the ideas of rationalism (= the belief or principle that actions and opinions should be based on reason rather than emotion or religion)

Usage examples:

Anti-rationalism is the idea that there are no such things as evidence or fact, just opinion.

Meanings of Antirationalist:


Opposed to the ideas of rationalism (= the belief or principle that actions and opinions should be based on reason rather than emotion )

Usage examples:

Philosopher stuart hampshire was one of the anti-rationalist oxford thinkers., blake was an anti-ra…

Meanings of Antirationality:


The fact of not being based on clear thought and reason, or of not making decisions based on clear thought or reason

Usage examples:

The novel imparts a strong sense of anti-rationality., propaganda deliberately promotes irrationali…

Meanings of Antirealism:


In philosophy, a belief that is opposed to realism (= the belief that objects continue to exist even when no one is there to see them)

Usage examples:

Central to the debate between realism and anti-realism is the distinction between what is observabl…

Meanings of Antirealist:


In philosophy, opposed to realism (= the belief that objects continue to exist even when no one is there to see them)

Usage examples:

She espouses a radical anti-realist philosophy., anti-realist photographic tricks, the story takes …

Meanings of Antireform:


Opposed to changing laws and polices in order to improve them

Usage examples:

His critics painted him as anti-reform., she faced opposition from anti-reform forces within the pa…

Meanings of Antireformist:


Opposed to changing laws and policies in order to improve them

Usage examples:

The party still contains plenty of old-fashioned anti-reformist politicians., he advanced conservat…

Meanings of Antireligion:


Opposed to religion

Usage examples:

In the interview, he plays down the book's anti-religion theme., he makes a number of digs at relig…

Meanings of Antireligious:


Opposed to religion

Usage examples:

This move was not prompted by any anti-religious sentiment., it would be an exaggeration to say tha…

Meanings of Antirepublican:


Opposed to the republican party in the us

Usage examples:

In many of these areas, anti-republican sentiment runs deep., anti-republican demonstrators lined t…

Meanings of Antirevolutionary:


Opposed to revolution (= a change in the way a country is governed, often using war or violence) or to a political system based on a revolution

Usage examples:

To hold the elections in a short time would have benefited the anti-revolutionary forces., they wer…

Meanings of Antiriot:


Intended to prevent or control a riot (= a large number of people behaving in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way in public)

Usage examples:

The situation eased after 1,000 anti-riot police officers were deployed., thousands of police offic…

Meanings of Antiritualism:


Beliefs that are opposed to ritualism (= the practice of using fixed actions and words, especially as part of religious ceremonies)

Usage examples:

Protestants reacted by embracing anti-ritualism., the anti-ritualism of the early sikh tradition

Meanings of Antiroll:


A rubber-mounted bar fitted in the suspension of a vehicle to increase its stability, especially when cornering.


An anti-roll device is designed to reduce the amount a vehicle rolls to either side, especially when going round corners

Usage examples:

Anti-roll bar an anti-roll bar is standard on all models., it performs even better off-road, thanks…

Meanings of Antiromantic:


Opposed to the ideas of romanticism (= a style of art, music, and literature that deals with the beauty of nature and human emotions)

Usage examples:

The anti-romantic movement, larkin had an anti-romantic and anti-modernist style of poetry., schmid…

Meanings of Antiromanticism:


A style of art, music, and literature that is opposed to the ideas of romanticism (= a style that deals with the beauty of nature and human emotions)

Usage examples:

It lacks the bleak anti-romanticism of his early poems., the hard-edged anti-romanticism of the 1980s

Meanings of Antiroyalist:


Opposed to a king or queen or to a country being ruled by a king or queen

Usage examples:

The king had wanted to avoid a popular anti-royalist uprising., suddenly anti-royalist themes were …

Meanings of Antirrhinum:


A plant of a genus that includes the snapdragon.

Usage examples:

These include busy lizzie, verbena, lobelia and antirrhinum, all of which need warmth to germinate,…

Meanings of Antirust:


Designed to prevent rust (= a reddish-brown substance that forms on the surface of iron and steel) forming on something

Usage examples:

He painted the garage doors with a blue anti-rust paint., the chemical is used as an anti-rust coat…

Meanings of Antis:


A person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.

Usage examples:

The threat to field sports from the antis is a serious one

Opposed to; against.

Usage examples:

I'm anti the abuse of drink and the hassle that it causes


Usage examples:

The local councils are anti

Opposed to or against

Usage examples:


Meanings of Antiscience:


Opposed to or not accepting scientific ideas and methods

Usage examples:

There seems to be an anti-science bias in the article., she denies that she is anti-science.

Meanings of Antiscientific:


Opposed to or not accepting scientific ideas and methods

Usage examples:

His argument was fundamentally anti-scientific., he believes it would be irrational and deeply anti…

Meanings of Antiscorbutic:


(chiefly of a drug) having the effect of preventing or curing scurvy.

Usage examples:

In 1747 the british naval surgeon james lind conducted experiments on antiscorbutic substances - th…

An antiscorbutic food or drug.

Usage examples:

Cook did, for example, but other captains didn't and it was an imperfectly understood thing, that y…

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