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All English words - page 3

Meanings of A-leg-up:


To help someone to climb over something

Meanings of A-list:


A group of the most successful or famous people, companies, or organizations

Usage examples:

The chain of stores is definitely on every developer's a-list., a-list restaurants

Meanings of A-little:



Usage examples:

I was a little bit worried by what she said., we'll wait a little longer and then i'll phone them.,…

Meanings of A-little-bit:



Usage examples:

I was a little bit worried by what she said., we'll wait a little longer and then i'll phone them.,…

Meanings of A-load:


The amount or weight of something carried by a vehicle, a structure such as a bridge, or a person or animal

Usage examples:

The truck had a load of bricks., the maximum load for this elevator is eight persons., the normal t…

Used with other nouns to refer to a vehicle, large container, etc. that is completely full

Usage examples:

Truckload/planeload/busload planeloads of aid sent to the disaster region remain undistributed., th…

Meanings of A-long-way:


If you say that someone will go a long way, you mean that they will be very successful.

Meanings of A-lot-of:


Lots (of) a large amount or number of people or things

Usage examples:

She eats lots of fruit., there were a lot of people there., he does a lot of travelling in his job.…

Meanings of A-matter-of-life-and-death:


A situation that is extremely serious

Usage examples:

Don’t worry about missing your bus – it’s not a matter of life and death.

Meanings of A-mere:


At a time before someone was born

Meanings of A-mess:


A condition of disorder and confusion, or something in that condition

Usage examples:

They left the kitchen a mess., we sat in traffic for two hours while they cleaned up the mess from …

Meanings of A-multitude-of:


A large number of people or things

Usage examples:

The city has a multitude of problems, from homelessness to drugs and murder., this case has raised …

Meanings of A-nose:


If a person or animal wins a race or competition by a nose, he, she, or it wins it by very little

Usage examples:

It was a very exciting race. my horse won but only by a nose.

Meanings of A-nuisance:


To cause trouble or to annoy other people

Usage examples:

The officer reported that he was obviously very drunk and making a nuisance of himself., he was get…



Meanings of A-number-of:


A unit or its symbol that forms part of a system of counting and calculating, and that represents an amount or position in a series

Usage examples:

You can write numbers in words, such as six, seven, and eight, or with symbols, such as 6, 7, and 8…

Meanings of A-packet:


A small package or envelope, or a collection of things in it

Usage examples:

A packet of stamps, the device converts speech into digital packets that scatter and reassemble at …

Meanings of A-pass:


A bad situation

Usage examples:

Things have come to a pretty pass when a referee can no longer be trusted.

Meanings of A-pat:



Usage examples:

You’ve done a great job, and you deserve a pat on the back .

Meanings of A-pat-on-the-back:



Usage examples:

You’ve done a great job, and you deserve a pat on the back .

Meanings of A-piece-of:


Used to refer to a woman as a sexually attractive object

Meanings of A-pile:


To earn a large amount of money

Usage examples:

He made a pile selling computers and retired by the time he was 40.

Meanings of A-pile-of:


A number of things lying on top of each other

Usage examples:

A pile of newspapers, after dinner there is always a pile of dishes to be washed., i’ve got piles o…

Meanings of A-pinch-of-salt:


To not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true

Usage examples:

You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.

Meanings of A-pretty-penny:


To be very expensive

Usage examples:

That coat must have cost you a pretty penny!

Meanings of A-raw-deal:


Unfair treatment or arrangements

Usage examples:

He felt he had gotten a raw deal but didn’t complain.

Meanings of A-rise:


To annoy someone

Usage examples:

Steve always manages to get a rise out of me with his racist jokes.

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