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All English words - page 284

Meanings of Anthropophobia:


Fear of, or aversion to, human beings.

Meanings of Anthropophuism:


The ascription of human characteristics or attributes to the gods or to the natural world.

Meanings of Anthropopsychic:


That ascribes mental faculties or characteristics like those of human beings to god, an animal, or a natural agency; of, relating to, or characterized by anthropopsychism.

Meanings of Anthropopsychism:


The ascription of mental faculties or characteristics like those of human beings to god, an animal, or a natural agency.

Meanings of Anthroposcopy:


The observation of the physical features of a person, formerly done in order to assess mental and moral characteristics.

Meanings of Anthroposophic:


Of, relating to, or advocating rudolf steiner's system of anthroposophy.

Meanings of Anthroposophist:


An advocate or practitioner of rudolf steiner's system of anthroposophy.

Meanings of Anthroposophy:


A formal educational, therapeutic, and creative system established by rudolf steiner, seeking to use mainly natural means to optimize physical and mental health and well-being.

Usage examples:

He became interested in anthroposophy, a practice similar to homeopathy, created by rudolph steiner.

Meanings of Anthropotomical:


Of or relating to human anatomy, especially as contrasted with comparative anatomy.

Meanings of Anthropotomy:


The science of dissecting the human body.

Meanings of Anthropurgic:


Worked or acted on by human beings; characterized by human intervention.

Meanings of Anthurium:


A tropical american plant which is widely grown for its ornamental foliage or brightly coloured flowering spathes.

Usage examples:

Similarly, other potted flowering plants, including anthuriums and bromeliads, are becoming importa…

Meanings of Anthypophora:


The refutation (with an answer or qualifying statement) by a speaker or writer of a potential objection or counter-argument which has just been anticipated and stated by the speaker him- or herself. also occasionally: the whole rhetorical figure in which such an objection is raised and then refuted in this way.

Meanings of Anti:


Opposed to; against.

Usage examples:

I'm anti the abuse of drink and the hassle that it causes


Usage examples:

The local councils are anti

A person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.

Usage examples:

The threat to field sports from the antis is a serious one

The antiparticle of a specified particle.

Usage examples:


Meanings of Anti-capitalist:


Opposed to or directed against capitalism (= an economic and political system in which property, business, and industry are controlled by private owners rather than by the state, with the purpose of making a profit)

Usage examples:

Police detained hundreds of anti-capitalist protesters who tried to block the streets., he is staun…



Meanings of Anti-corruption:


Intended or intending to prevent or reduce corruption (= illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in positions of power)

Usage examples:

The president promised that the anti-corruption watchdog would be fully independent., he made his n…

Meanings of Anti-semitic:


Hate or strong dislike of jews, or actions that express hate or dislike of jews

Usage examples:

Nazi anti-semitism forced him to emigrate from germany., anti-semitic literature

Meanings of Anti-semitism:


Hate or strong dislike of jews, or actions that express hate or dislike of jews

Usage examples:

Nazi anti-semitism forced him to emigrate from germany., anti-semitic literature

Meanings of Antiabortion:


Opposing or legislating against medically induced abortion.

Usage examples:

Legalizing abortion didn't make anti-abortion advocates accept it.

Meanings of Antiaircraft:


(especially of a gun or missile) used to attack enemy aircraft.

Usage examples:

Anti-aircraft fire

Meanings of Antianaphylaxis:


An acute allergic reaction to an antigen (e.g. a bee sting) to which the body has become hypersensitive.

Usage examples:

Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, occur rarely, but timely intervention is crucial.

Meanings of Antianthrax:


A serious bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, causing acute and often fatal septicaemia, and also transmissible to humans.

Usage examples:

An early suspicion that anthrax might have been the cause of the infection has been discounted.

Meanings of Antiaphrodisiac:


Tending to suppress sexual desire or activity; = "anaphrodisiac".


An antiaphrodisiac agent; = "anaphrodisiac".

Meanings of Antiapoplectic:


Used for the prevention or treatment of apoplexy.


An antiapoplectic medicinal agent.

Meanings of Antiarthritic:


A medicinal agent used to treat arthritis (in early use specifically gout). compare earlier "arthritic", arthritical .


Used to treat arthritis (in early use specifically gout); of or relating to the treatment of arthritis.

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