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All English words - page 256

Meanings of Angiospermatous:


Having seeds enclosed in a seed vessel (obsolete); designating flowering plants of a division characterized by having ovules enclosed in an ovary or carpel.

Meanings of Angiosperms:


A plant of a large group that comprises those that have flowers and produce seeds enclosed within a carpel, including herbaceous plants, shrubs, grasses, and most trees.

Usage examples:

Like other seed plants, angiosperms are heterosporangiate, producing pollen and ovules in different…

Meanings of Angiotensin:


A protein whose presence in the blood promotes aldosterone secretion and tends to raise blood pressure.

Usage examples:

The hypotensive response to captopril is accompanied by a decrease in plasma aldosterone and angiot…

Meanings of Angiotensinase:


An enzyme that converts angiotensin i to angiotensin ii (now historical and rare).

Meanings of Angiotomy:


Incision into or opening of a blood vessel; an instance of this.

Meanings of Angiotonin:


The peptide angiotensin ii, which raises blood pressure.

Meanings of Anglaise:


A sweet sauce made from eggs, milk, sugar, and vanilla (= a substance made from the seeds of a tropical plant) that is served with sweet dishes

Usage examples:

The sauce tasted like a vanilla crème anglaise and it was almost like a dessert., for dessert there…

Meanings of Angle:


The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

Usage examples:

In any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle

Direct or incline at an angle.

Usage examples:

He angled his chair so that he could watch her

Meanings of Angleberry:


A rounded, fleshy growth with an uneven surface on the skin of cattle, horses, etc.; a warty excrescence, a papilloma.

Meanings of Angled:


Placed or inclined at an angle to something else.

Usage examples:

He sent an angled shot into the net

Direct or incline at an angle.

Usage examples:

He angled his chair so that he could watch her

Meanings of Angledog:


An earthworm; = angleworm .

Meanings of Angledozer:


A type of bulldozer with a blade which is or can be set at an oblique angle, so that earth is pushed to one side rather than in the direction of travel.

Meanings of Angler:


A person who fishes with a rod and line.

Usage examples:

A carp angler

Meanings of Anglers:


A person who fishes with a rod and line.

Usage examples:

A carp angler

Meanings of Angles:


The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

Usage examples:

In any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle

Direct or incline at an angle.

Usage examples:

He angled his chair so that he could watch her

Meanings of Anglesite:


A lead-containing mineral found in colourless, white, or grey crystals or masses and typically formed by the oxidation of galena.

Meanings of Angletouch:


A worm used as bait in fishing; an earthworm.

Meanings of Angletwitch:


A worm used as bait in fishing; an earthworm.

Meanings of Anglewing:


Any of a group of nymphalid butterflies having notches on the outer edges of the forewings; specifically one of the genus polygonia, which includes the commas; more fully anglewing butterfly.

Meanings of Anglewise:


After the manner of, or so as to form an angle; = "cornerwise".

Meanings of Angleworm:


An earthworm of a kind used for bait by anglers.

Meanings of Angleworms:


An earthworm of a kind used for bait by anglers.

Meanings of Anglian:


Relating to the ancient angles.

Usage examples:

Given the survival of the church, there is the possibility of continuity in conisbrough from the an…

The anglian glaciation or the system of deposits laid down during it.

Usage examples:

Before the anglian, there were warm periods known as interglacials

Meanings of Anglic:


A simplified form of english spelling devised by the swedish philologist r. e. zachrisson (1880–1937), and intended for use as an auxiliary orthography for learners of english.


Of or relating to the angles, the anglian kingdoms, or their languages; = "anglian".

Meanings of Anglican:


Relating to or denoting the church of england or any church in communion with it.

Usage examples:

It is no longer a question of whether communion among the anglican churches will be broken.

A member of any of the anglican churches.

Usage examples:

Or is there some uniquely superior way in which this is thought to be more true for anglicans than …

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