All English words - page 2543
nounA covering of ice over a large area, especially on the polar region of a planet.
Usage examples:
The greenland ice cap
adjective(of a drink or other liquid) cooled in or containing pieces of ice.
Usage examples:
Jugs of iced water
verbDecorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing.
phrasal verbIf an area of water ices over, it becomes covered with a layer of ice
Usage examples:
The lake has iced over.
phrasal verbTo become covered in ice and often stop working
Usage examples:
The plane was delayed because the engine had iced up.
nounA steep part of a glacier like a frozen waterfall.
Usage examples:
The glaciers, the icefalls, the three summits - we can see none of it.
nounA steep part of a glacier like a frozen waterfall.
Usage examples:
The glaciers, the icefalls, the three summits - we can see none of it.
nounA scaleless antarctic fish of pallid appearance with spiny gill covers and a snout shaped like a duck's bill.
Usage examples:
Changes to certain residues in ß-tubulin have been suggested to confer cold stability on the mts of…
verbAnother term for capelin.
nounA scaleless antarctic fish of pallid appearance with spiny gill covers and a snout shaped like a duck's bill.
Usage examples:
Changes to certain residues in ß-tubulin have been suggested to confer cold stability on the mts of…
verbAnother term for capelin.
nounA building for storing ice, typically one situated partly or wholly underground.
Usage examples:
Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smo…
nounA building for storing ice, typically one situated partly or wholly underground.
Usage examples:
Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smo…
proper nounAn island country in the north atlantic; population 329,000 (estimated 2015); official language, icelandic; capital, reykjavik.
nounAn island country in the north atlantic ocean
nounA native or inhabitant of iceland, or a person of icelandic descent.
Usage examples:
The ship was owned by an icelander
nounA native or inhabitant of iceland, or a person of icelandic descent.
Usage examples:
The ship was owned by an icelander
nounA native or inhabitant of iceland; = "icelander".
adjectiveRelating to iceland or its language.
Usage examples:
The icelandic language resembles russian just enough to emit a similar impression.
nounThe language of iceland. a scandinavian language, it has remained closely similar to old norse, due partly to the geographical isolation of iceland and partly to a policy of avoiding loanwords.
Usage examples:
The national language is icelandic, a northern germanic language with some resemblance to middle en…
adjectiveFree from ice, not covered by ice; not supplied with ice.
nounA man who sells or delivers ice.
Usage examples:
Much horse-and-cart busyness went on: milkman, baker and iceman all came by cart, and for us childr…
nounA man who sells or delivers ice.
Usage examples:
Much horse-and-cart busyness went on: milkman, baker and iceman all came by cart, and for us childr…
plural nounA tribe of ancient britons inhabiting an area of south-eastern england in present-day norfolk and suffolk. their queen, boudicca, led an unsuccessful rebellion against the romans in ad 60.
Usage examples:
Boudicca was the queen of the iceni, a celtic tribe in norfolk and suffolk in eastern britain.
nounA small pick used by climbers to traverse ice-covered slopes.
nounA violent shaking or series of abrupt movements that occurs when an ice field or other large expanse of ice fractures as a result of lateral pressure.
Usage examples:
This is the first evidence that distant earthquakes can trigger icequakes in antarctica
nounFrozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid.
Usage examples:
She scraped the ice off the windscreen
verbDecorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing.
Usage examples:
If they can't wait long enough to ice fairy cakes, have some extra that can be eaten immediately.
abbreviation(in the us) immigration and customs enforcement.
nounA slender parasitic wasp with long antennae, which deposits its eggs in, on, or near the larvae of other insects.
Usage examples:
For him, the fiend that shook his faith was the ichneumon wasp, which lays its eggs inside the larv…
nounA slender parasitic wasp with long antennae, which deposits its eggs in, on, or near the larvae of other insects.
Usage examples:
For him, the fiend that shook his faith was the ichneumon wasp, which lays its eggs inside the larv…
nounA slender parasitic wasp with long antennae, which deposits its eggs in, on, or near the larvae of other insects.
Usage examples:
For him, the fiend that shook his faith was the ichneumon wasp, which lays its eggs inside the larv…
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