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Meanings of Not-a-bit:


Not in any way

Usage examples:

She wasn't a bit worried about the test., "are you getting tired?" "not a bit.", i wasn't one bit s…

Meanings of Not-a-dicky-bird:


Nothing at all

Usage examples:

We haven't heard a dicky bird from (= spoken to or received a letter from) riza recently.

Meanings of Not-a-one:


Not at all or not even a small amount

Usage examples:

Don't listen to her! there's not a jot of truth (= there is no truth) in what she's saying., none o…

Meanings of Not-a-sausage:



Usage examples:

"did you find anything out?" "no, not a sausage."

Meanings of Not-a-thing:


A device, product, or part of nature that is not named

Usage examples:

There’s a new thing that seals plastic bags., there are some nice things in the stores on sale righ…

Meanings of Not-about:


To be too unpleasant or frightening to think about

Usage examples:

"what if she'd been driving faster?" "it doesn't bear thinking about.", a week without my art class…

Meanings of Not-anything:


Infml to not do something under any conditions

Usage examples:

It was a fantastic party – i wouldn’t have missed it for anything.

Meanings of Not-as-much-as:


If you say that something is not so much one thing as something else, you mean it is more the second thing

Usage examples:

They're not so much lovers as friends., i don't feel angry so much as sad.

Meanings of Not-cricket:


If behaviour is not cricket, it is not fair, honest or moral

Usage examples:

It's just not cricket to lie to a friend.

Meanings of Not-cut-out-for:


To not be the right type of person for something

Usage examples:

I'm not cut out for an office job.

Meanings of Not-done:


Not socially acceptable

Usage examples:

Smoking during a meal is not the done thing.

Meanings of Not-enough:


Much less than you want or need

Usage examples:

There's not nearly enough food for all these people!, there still wasn't nearly enough evidence to …

Meanings of Not-exact:


In perfect detail; complete and correct

Usage examples:

The exact distance is 3.4 miles., do you have the exact time?, "is it 12 o’clock yet?" "it’s 12:03 …

Meanings of Not-for-a-moment:


Used to say that you do not think or do something at all

Usage examples:

I don't believe that story for a moment.



Meanings of Not-for-profit:


Nonprofit adjective

Usage examples:

Bethel new life is a not-for-profit community development founded by bethel lutheran church.

Meanings of Not-for-profit-organization:


→  nonprofit noun

Usage examples:

This section deals with the tax-exempt status of not-for-profit organizations.

Meanings of Not-go:


If something might/would not go amiss, it would be useful and might help to improve a situation

Usage examples:

A word of apology might not go amiss., a sense of proportion would not go amiss in all of this., a …

Meanings of Not-have-the-heart-to:


To lack the desire or strength to do something

Usage examples:

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that his injury would prevent him from playing football.

Meanings of Not-heard:


Said to emphasize that you think children should behave well and be quiet

Meanings of Not-here:


The idea that a product, system, etc. that was developed somewhere else cannot be as good as one that a company, etc. develops itself

Usage examples:

Many organizations suffer from the not-invented-here syndrome; developers like to invent and are no…

Meanings of Not-in:


Not in any way

Usage examples:

"are you dissatisfied with the results?" "not in the least."

Meanings of Not-likely:


Certainly not!

Usage examples:

"do you want to come running with me?" "not likely!", "are you coming to the extra science class?" …

Meanings of Not-long-for-this-world:


If someone is not long for this world, they will die soon.

Meanings of Not-much:


Very little, or nothing that is important or interesting

Usage examples:

I had nothing much to do that day., "what did she have to say?" "not much, really."

Meanings of Not-often:



Usage examples:

In winter it rains a lot, and more often than not, you're carrying an umbrella.

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