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Meanings of Anaclitic:


Relating to or characterized by a strong emotional dependence on another or others.

Usage examples:

Anaclitic depression

Meanings of Anacolutha:


A sentence or construction in which the expected grammatical sequence is absent, for example while in the garden, the door banged shut.

Usage examples:

The poem's ruins are a kind of anacoluthon in stone, a failed statement, the shattered vessels that…

Meanings of Anacoluthon:


A sentence or construction in which the expected grammatical sequence is absent, for example while in the garden, the door banged shut.

Usage examples:

The poem's ruins are a kind of anacoluthon in stone, a failed statement, the shattered vessels that…

Meanings of Anaconda:


A semiaquatic snake of the boa family that may grow to a great size, native to tropical south america.

Usage examples:

This reptile family includes such notable snakes as anacondas, pythons, and boa constrictors, all b…

Meanings of Anacondas:


A semiaquatic snake of the boa family that may grow to a great size, native to tropical south america.

Usage examples:

This reptile family includes such notable snakes as anacondas, pythons, and boa constrictors, all b…

Meanings of Anacreon:

proper noun

(c.582–485 bc), greek lyric poet, best known for his celebrations of love and wine.

Meanings of Anacreontic:


(of a poem) written in the style of the ancient greek poet anacreon, known for his celebrations of love and wine.

Usage examples:

I find anacreontic poetry to be darkly beautiful

A poem written in the style of the ancient greek poet anacreon, especially one celebrating love and wine.

Usage examples:

I began by reading aloud an anacreontic

Meanings of Anacromyodian:


Of a bird: having a syrinx whose muscles are attached to the ends of the bronchial semi-rings; specifically (in garrod's scheme) belonging to the division acromyodi of passerine birds, closely corresponding to the suborder oscines (the songbirds).

Meanings of Anacruses:


One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a verse.

Usage examples:

Coleridge seems not to have noticed that the tenth line is actually a heptameter - unless one were …

Meanings of Anacrusis:


One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a verse.

Usage examples:

Coleridge seems not to have noticed that the tenth line is actually a heptameter - unless one were …

Meanings of Anadromous:


(of a fish such as the salmon) migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn.

Usage examples:

Pacific salmon are anadromous (sea-run) fish that migrate from freshwater to the ocean and then bac…

Meanings of Anaemia:


A condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.

Usage examples:

For instance, if your fatigue is the result of anemia, blood transfusions may help.

Meanings of Anaemic:


(of a person) suffering from anaemia.

Usage examples:

The doctor said you were a bit anaemic

A person suffering from anaemia.

Usage examples:

Cumin seeds are a rich source of iron and hence very beneficial for anaemics

Meanings of Anaerobe:


A microorganism that is able to, or can only, live in the absence of oxygen.

Usage examples:

Major and limb-threatening infections usually are polymicrobial and may involve aerobic gram positi…

Meanings of Anaerobes:


A microorganism that is able to, or can only, live in the absence of oxygen.

Usage examples:

Major and limb-threatening infections usually are polymicrobial and may involve aerobic gram positi…

Meanings of Anaerobian:



Meanings of Anaerobic:


Relating to or requiring an absence of free oxygen.

Usage examples:

Anaerobic bacteria

Meanings of Anaerobiosis:


Existence of or occurrence in the absence of oxygen; growth or cultivation (especially of microorganisms) under anaerobic conditions; the ability to live anaerobically.

Meanings of Anaerobiotic:



Meanings of Anaerobious:



Meanings of Anaesthesia:


Insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations.

Usage examples:

During anaesthesia body temperature falls due to the effect of drugs

Meanings of Anaesthesiology:


The branch of medicine concerned with anaesthesia and anaesthetics.

Usage examples:

One study examined the effects of music use in various medical specialties, including anesthesiolog…

Meanings of Anaesthetic:


A substance that induces insensitivity to pain.

Usage examples:

Supplements that have the potential to cause major complications in perioperative patients are thos…

Inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain.

Usage examples:

Anaesthetic drugs and gases

Meanings of Anaesthetics:


A substance that induces insensitivity to pain.

Usage examples:

Supplements that have the potential to cause major complications in perioperative patients are thos…

Inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain.

Usage examples:

Anaesthetic drugs and gases

Meanings of Anaesthetist:


A medical specialist who administers anaesthetics.

Usage examples:

Advanced practice nurses include nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists for psychology and…

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